From a Guest Blogger: Seven Simple Ways to Create a More Eco-friendly Home

Seven Simple Ways to Create a More Eco-friendly HomeTransforming your living space to make it more eco-friendly can save you money, as well as help preserve the planet for future generations. In a rented apartment, it makes sense to start small and gradually work your way up to making larger changes. Here are a few ideas which can be attempted without any specialized knowledge or skills.

Create a veggie garden

If you live in condo building, you won’t be able to have a normal garden. However, it’s easy to grow vegetables and herbs in even the tiniest of living spaces. For your first attempt, try one or two plants that you can concentrate on. This saves money on buying supplies from a supermarket and cuts down your carbon footprint substantially. Use a sunny windowsill to grow carrots, salad leaves and herbs, or a balcony to cultivate potatoes and courgettes in a growing bag. If you really want to plant on ground level, look for an apartment with available plot space. Zipmatch,  a Philippine real estate marketplace, is a great platform that could help you search for the right property rental in the metro. The property finder also provide guides on how to find eco-friendly properties and what metro cities are going to keep their neighborhoods green.


Source sustainable furniture

In a rented apartment that’s short on storage space, it can be a challenge to keep your stuff organized. Making permanent changes in leased properties is prohibited, so go for lightweight, eco-friendly storage options made from sustainable materials, like bamboo, particle board or even cardboard. Some are free standing, but if you’d prefer a wall fitting, others can be secured using Velcro, which causes no damage to the paint work.


Fit low flow tap aerators and shower heads

Conserving water is not always easy, but by installing low-flow shower heads and aerators on taps, you can reduce your consumption by up to 50%. That means you’ll also reduce your water bills by the same amount. These small gadgets only take a few moments to fit over your existing equipment, but the savings will be permanent. As the aerator simply adds air bubbles to your home water supply, you won’t notice a drop in pressure, or feel the need to run taps for longer.


Manage waste efficiently by composting

To reduce the amount of kitchen waste you send to landfill and provide a nutrient-rich food for the veggies you’re growing, use a composting caddy. These are smaller than conventional compost bins and can be kept inside until the food is broken down.


Don’t let your waste go to waste!

Waste products have an extremely detrimental effect on our environment, but we can all make a difference by recycling our used packaging, cans and paperwork. You can also take mobile phones, batteries and glass to a local recycling point, if they aren’t collected in your area.


Insulate your home to seal out drafts

Good insulation saves energy and keeps a home warm. Better still, it can be done in a few hours using materials from a DIY store. Self-adhesive foam strips can be placed around windows or door frames and over any gaps. You might also consider a letter box brush or flap and even a specially-made keyhole cover, if you can feel a noticeable draft from the door.

There are many innovative ways to make your temporary home a greener and more economical place to settle in. Make a difference by trying these ideas today.

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