Providers of Renewable Energy in the UK Have One Simple Request: A Level Playing Field

Providers of Renewable Energy in the UK Have One Simple Request: A Level Playing FieldI wish I had a dollar for every written and verbal mention of the phrase “level playing field for renewable energy” I’ve made over the last six years (i.e., since the inception of Here’s another fellow who is firmly ensconced on that bandwagon:  Dale Vince, who (quoting the article linked above) in 1995 founded the British green energy company Ecotricity, which supplies almost 170,000 customers in the UK with wind and solar power.  He is challenging the government to scrap its subsidies for nuclear power and fossil fuels in order to “create a level playing field” after it cut support for renewable energy.

He writes: “Britain is blessed with enough renewable energy to power our entire country several times over, safely, without pollution, and at the lowest cost of all energy sources.”


“If there was (sic) a level playing field in Britain, renewable energy would win hands down.”

Nice going.  I’d certainly like to see his government head in that direction.  Perhaps they could lead mine along that path too.

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