You and I Know the Trans Pacific Partnership Is an Impending Catastrophe.  And Hillary Clinton Is Now “Trying To Learn About It?”

Trans Pacific PartnershipIf you think Hillary Clinton is a trustworthy human being, ask yourself why she flip-flopped on the Trans Pacific Partnership.  “As of today, I am not in favor of what I have learned about it,” Clinton told PBS News’ Judy Woodruff. “I don’t believe it’s going to meet the high bar I have set. I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about the agreement, but I’m worried.”

The “high bar” you’ve set for what? Deceit? If that’s an honest remark, I’m a bald eagle.


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4 comments on “You and I Know the Trans Pacific Partnership Is an Impending Catastrophe.  And Hillary Clinton Is Now “Trying To Learn About It?”
  1. glenndoty01 says:


    First of all, I’d like to state for the record that I solidly support the TPP, and believe that Hillary is on the wrong side of this issue.

    Second, it’s complicated. There are MANY complex interests and counter-interests within the TPP, so I have a lot of sympathy for those that are torn on whether or not they support it – because it is complicated.

    Third, the chance that Hillary will be the democratic nominee is somewhere north of 99%, so it doesn’t really make any sense for the left to take cheap shots at Hillary over a lukewarm and/or uncertain position she takes on an immensely complex issue.

    • Glenn: Wow. You always have the most interesting insights. I would have said that, from the core environmental perspective, the TPP enables multinational corporations to flout regulations that formerly restrained their activities vis-a-vis eco-damage and exploitation or resources, both natural and human.

      Also, call me cynical, but I don’t find it credible that the former Secretary of State is just now learning about the issues at stake here.

      • glenndoty01 says:


        I’ll match your cynicism and exceed it – I’m sure that she’s been briefed daily on the talks as they evolved.

        But the agreement wasn’t finalized until 3 days ago. Anyone who was against the agreement prior to that literally had no idea what they were ranting against, because there was nothing released for the general public… They were just tearing away at straw men.

        Prior to the release of the agreement, Clinton had expressed support for trade treaties in general but was withholding judgement to see if this met her standards.

        I am also cynical enough to believe that she may waffle on this – which is natural since she has such lukewarm opposition, but waiting until you can actually read the document before you take a stance on the document is a sign of maturity – nothing more.

        I’ll admit I haven’t read it, which shows some immaturity on my part – or at least some level of trust in the current administration in that I will defer to their judgement until I have time to verify my position by reading the document in full… But what I understand about this issue is that we were already losing jobs, and the countries in question were already polluting. This offers our businesses some more IP protection, and lower tariffs into those countries… and some leverage (although I do not know how much) to encourage them on worker safety and environmental responsibility… And we lose… nothing. We won’t see additional outsourcing at a greater rate than we had seen, and we won’t see additional import of goods from these countries at a greater rate than we had seen. At the very worst case, it’s win/neutral for us on the game board as I see it. I hope – within a few weeks – to sit down and read it and try to imagine any way that we could lose here. But as of now… I can’t. I think Hillary is offering her lukewarm rejection only to score points in the primary; and I think the left is very far off course on this issue. But I can’t say anything for certain until I sit down and read the thing in full… It’s only been available to read for 3 days.

  2. If that makes you “immature” in any sense, it makes me a toddler. I tend to trust the opinions of those whose values I share, and I very seldom read the documents themselves from cover to cover.

    You never cease to amaze me, as I’ve told you before.