Maintaining a Sense of Humor about Eco-Friendly Transportation

Maintaining a Sense of Humour about Eco-Friendly TransportationI’m still in touch with a decent number of my friends from college, and my communication lines here are further strengthened by my service as “class secretary,” meaning that I collect and edit submissions from my classmates for the school’s magazine.

I take a fair amount of abuse from people who make fun of my overt environmentalism, which ribbing, to be honest, I actually kind of enjoy.  It’s all good-natured, e.g., when my friend from the Boston area, Rob Buffum (pictured lower right — we don’t look like that anymore) , invited me to stay at his place and wrote me, “Sure thing!  Just rent a hybrid at Logan and shoot on over.”

Some of this ragging is downright hilarious, e.g., this piece that another old friend sent on the role of government in auto design; I hope you’ll enjoy it too.

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One comment on “Maintaining a Sense of Humor about Eco-Friendly Transportation
  1. A citicar!! There is one of those around me. I looked into helping the owner get it back in shape. Never got the time to actually help but I do have the schematics somewhere. I have been told they will do 40MPH but you don’t want to be in it when it’s going that fast.