From Guest Blogger Taylor: Three Benefits of Operating a Green Business

Three Benefits of Operating a Green BusinessAs time goes by, the terms “going green” and “sustainability” are becoming increasingly relevant throughout the business world. These terms can be defined a number of different ways, but ultimately the act of a business going green involves the overall reduction of negative impact a business has on the environment. Common practices to going green within the enterprise world are implementing tactics such as:

  • Waste reduction & management
  • Recycling
  • Water Conservation
  • Investing in renewable energy resources
  • Promoting Carpooling

These are just a few of the many opportunities have to going green in today’s world – but why? Let’s review the benefits of a business onboarding the idea of going green. Tax Credits

It is known that individuals can receive tax credits for reducing their carbon footprint within the home, but now various agencies are granting businesses with these same opportunities. A business simply adopting a green waste management solution or using renewable energy resources are just two of the many ways to take full advantage of these rewards.

Ultimately, the federal and state governments within the United States are working hard to purse sustainability within the business world by offering these incentives. Due to this, the return on investment of a sustainable transition will often outweigh the initial costs.

Reduced Spending

Aside from becoming eligible for various tax credits, a business adopting sustainable practices can open various opportunities to save money. For example, many companies have been rightsizing their vehicle fleets in order to lower greenhouse gases and fuel expenses. Which will then give the business a chance to acquire the aforementioned tax incentives.

Making the office more energy efficient will save money in the long run. Simply shutting down computers at the end of the workday can help a business in going green and can cut energy costs drastically. Keep in mind many power companies will perform a sustainability audit of a business to help uncover opportunities for a business to reduce wasted energy, and overall, spending.

Public Relations

As the green movement pushes on, many business who promote these trends are favored among consumers. Environmentally conscious customers are demanding more green products and services, which has opened up the market to nearly any person doing business today.

Implementing a business green efforts into its marketing endeavors, and including these changes on product labels can lead to a plethora of impressed, like-minded customers. For example, this study by Market Force Information shows that 49% of consumers prefer Whole Foods as a primary grocery shopping location due to their sustainable practices.


In Summary, there are a handful of benefits for a business adopting environmentally friendly practices, but it is up to the business to analyze their current impact and actively work towards reducing it.








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