The Exxon Empire Fights Back

The Exxon Empire Fights BackIn the American psyche, the theme music from the popular 20th Century TV crime show “Dragnet” (especially the first four notes–take a listen) still evokes the feeling that some huge force has entered the scene, and that something dramatic and probably violent is about to go down. This is the feeling I just had when I read this:

Oil giant ExxonMobil is under criminal investigation in New York over claims it lied to the public and investors about the risks of climate change. Now Exxon is fighting back against the journalists who exposed how it concealed its own findings dating back to the 1970s that fossil fuels cause global warming, alter the climate and melt the Arctic ice. Students at Columbia Journalism School collaborated with The Los Angeles Times on two of the exposés. Exxon accused the students of producing inaccurate and misleading articles. 

I’m sure these people don’t like me very much.

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