Lagging in CleanTech Carries Moral and Economic Consequences

Lagging in CleanTech Carries Moral and Economic Consequences

Below is another email blast from billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer that I’m sure many of you received as well.  Note its reference to the “clean energy economy,” a term we’ve used a great deal over the past years. There are many unpardonable sins that we Americans are committing in this arena, and certainly climate change denial is at the top of the list.  But right behind that is our reluctance to participate in the defining industry of the 21st Century, i.e., the enormous wealth that will be created as a result of the migration from fossil fuels to renewable energy resources.  Our capitulation to the demands of Big Oil has brought us to our knees both morally and economically. 

Dear Craig,  History is being made this week as negotiators from around the world hash out details for a global climate change agreement at COP21. Last week, I traveled to Paris with a California delegation of business and political leaders because I believe that California’s progress on clean energy can serve as a valuable example to the world.

Governor Brown and many other inspiring Californians have only confirmed my belief that we have what it takes to make the transition to a clean energy economy, and prevent the worst effects of climate change. But there’s still much work to be done. Find out how California is leading the charge in shaping our global future.


Tom Steyer
NextGen Climate



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