Solving Our Environment Problems Comes at a Cost: Brotherhood

Solving Our Environment Problems Comes at a Cost: BrotherhoodI hope you’ll check out the video link here, showing how truly awe-inspiring certain aspects of the Chinese people and its culture are. As another example, China is the world’s leader in investments in renewable energy. Unfortunately, it’s also the world’s leading polluter, and continues to build coal-fired power plants at an alarming rate.

As a global civilization, we either solve this problem, and eliminate coal as an energy resource from this planet, or we are tacitly condemning our children to untold levels of suffering.

Note the use of the phrase “global civilization” in the sentence above. The first step we must take is to bring down our arbitrary national boundaries when it comes to energy and the environment, and solve this problem as one collective people. All 7.3 billion of us breathe the same air.


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2 comments on “Solving Our Environment Problems Comes at a Cost: Brotherhood
  1. Brian McGowan says:

    While China at the moment is a top polluter, this article and others I have read give me the impression they are working as hard and fast as they can to turn that around. I read an article stating they would cease issuing coal power plant permits in 3 years. Of course I can’t find that article at this moment but I did find this one which provides a look at what they are doing.