Key Ingredient to Success: Bazillions of Contacts

Since You Can’t Put 200 Words on a Business Card……Have you ever wished you could put a short video presentation on your business card, to help present yourself to thousands of new contacts?  Let me introduce “Showble,” an online product that enables smart phone users to hear and see a one-minute-long introduction to a new person or concept.

As an example, here’s something they put together for me.  While it’s made to be accessed by a smart phone, most of its features work on any device.

If you’re interested in using this technology, please let me know and I’ll put you in touch with these brilliant people.

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One comment on “Key Ingredient to Success: Bazillions of Contacts
  1. CDB says:

    I have been using business card sized CDs for years.

    I get them from Tech Geek and they hold about 56 MBYTE, enough for several presentations and a dozen or so of my technical papers.

    I burn and print a dozen or so whenever I go to a symposium.