From Guest Blogger Brooke Chapman: Let There Be Light–How to Get More Natural Rays in the Dead of winter

 Let There Be Light--How to Get More Natural Rays in the Dead of winterFor some, winter is a time when all you want to do is just stay indoors and keep warm. The days are not only colder, but shorter, with considerably less sunlight than other seasons. Yet, the sun does shine, and it’s important to get out in it once in a while. Sunlight stimulates the body to produce vitamin D, one of the only vitamins the human body produces on its own. But how do you overcome the winter sluggishness that seems to pervade the season, even with children? Here are some ideas to help.

Throw an Outdoor Party
Cold out? So what? The warmth of family and friends more than makes up for the chilly temperatures. A fire pit also comes in handy, as do warm drinks such as cider and hot chocolate. Winter sunsets can be uncommonly beautiful, so make sure to gather around to watch one once in a while.

Blow Ice Bubbles
It is true, those frothy bubbles that look so pretty over summer lawns turn to ice when blown in freezing temperatures. Ice bubbles are especially beautiful when the sunshine strikes them.

Build a Snowman
When the snow is still fresh and fluffy, a snowman is just the thing. It’s not only fun to make, but burns up a lot of calories and gets all the little ones outdoors.

Go Sledding
Find a snowy hill, pull the toboggan, sled, or pizza plate to the top and ride down. Repeat for hours of fun.

Install Some New Windows

If you do wish to stay indoors, but still want the feel of sunshine, new windows are just the thing. Brand new, unblemished glass lets in floods of sunlight, especially if they face south. Insulated Gilkey windows make sure the inside stays toasty even when it’s cold outside.

Make Snow Angels
These are also lovely to make when the snow is fresh and fluffy. Have the kids lie on their backs and make jumping jack motions. Better yet, the snow angel can be decorated just like a snowman and is a little easier to build with young toddlers.

Go Ice Skating
Though they may start out a little wobbly, many folks get the hang of ice skating surprisingly quickly. If it’s the first time for a little one, hold their hand, make sure they’re well-padded, and have them put on a helmet.

Build An Igloo
This is not only a fun way to really burn calories, but can be educational as well. Explain the history and technique of these unique native homes while putting those blocks of snow in place.

There are so many fun things to do in the winter sun. There’s no excuse to huddle inside all winter this year! Get out and get some rays.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Brooke Chapman: Let There Be Light–How to Get More Natural Rays in the Dead of winter
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    Here in Albuquerque, winter days are usually sunny and the normal high in January is 45F. At that temperature when the sun is shining and there is no wind, one can feel quite comfortable in the sun and expose as much skin to the sunlight as the law and comfort will allow.