From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: How to Maintain Home Energy Efficiency During the Winter

How to Maintain Home Energy Efficiency During the WinterThe winter weather is upon us. January and February tend to be the worst months for most people. Old Man Winter shows his furry during the Winter Season, and many are left with the bills to prove he was here. There is a way to keep your family comfortable, and to ensure that your bills are within a manageable range this season. Here are some tips for staying warm and not breaking the bank.

Plug Leaks and Drafts

If you have a home that is full of leaks and drafts, you are throwing money out the windows. The home will naturally lose heat due to drafts and air leaks, but many can be sealed and the leakage will stop. By taking simple steps to caulk the windows and seal around chimneys, it can save a great deal of money. Don’t forget to slide a draft guard under your door too. The draft guard can save 20 percent alone off your heating costs.

Maintain the HVAC System

So many people just assume that the HVAC unit is going to run forever. Just like a car, it needs a tune-up from time to time. If the furnace filter is dirty, it can slow down the air flow, which will make the unit work harder. A unit that is working harder will cost you money. Having a certified contractor, like HELP Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electric, come out and service your unit; you can improve efficiency and save money. A car’s tune up improves your mileage and improves the longevity of the engine; the same can be said for the HVAC unit.

Upgrade to a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is one of the biggest ways to save money during the cold months. There’s no need to heat a home that is empty. Rather, have the thermostat turn the temperatures down when no one is home during the day, and also have it turn it down at night. By programming it to raise the heat when you wake and when you return home from work, you will save a great deal of money. If this type of thermostat sounds likes a bit much to handle, then try a smart thermostat that allows you to change the settings from any internet location. The average home will save $180 during the heating season by using a thermostat that does the thinking for you. If the home is larger, so is the savings. Even turning down your thermostat by one degree can save you up to three percent off your bill.

By making just a few adjustments, it’s easy to save off of your utility bills. Don’t forget to open the windows when the sun is shining. Natural heat from the sun can save up to 12 percent off of heating bills. Who doesn’t want to save? Staying warm is important, but being smart about your comfort how to do it is ingenious.

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