From Guest Blogger Brooke Chaplain: Five Simple Changes to Make for a Greener Business

Just take a look at the weather channel and it’s clear to see that global warming is definitely an issue worth fixing. The sporadic temperatures and changes in different parts of the globe could be lessened if each person did their part to take better care of Mother Nature. Businesses are no different. It might seem like an arduous task, but take a look at five simple changes to make a business become more environmentally friendly and conscious.


It sounds like a given, but it is surprising how many people don’t think to throw paper in the recycling bin instead of the trash can. According to research completed by the University of Southern Indiana, it takes 75,000 trees to produce one Sunday’s run of the New York Times. It’s understood that paper in necessary in some cases. In those cases, recycle. If every person recycled at least one tenth of the paper they used, 25,000,000 trees could be saved.

Go Paperless

In this world of tablet, smartphones, and PDF documents, there’s no reason a company can’t go paperless for everything. Choosing to go paperless saves the company a ton of money on paper, ink, and copying. Besides, it is a lot more convenient and easier on the environment. Just be sure to keep a charger on hand.

Install New Windows

Especially during the winter, the heat bills normally skyrocket. Heating is no cheap bill. In order to keep the indoors insulated, installing secure and attractive windows for businesses can help keep the heat trapped inside. Older windows tend to allow heat to escape through, which is a waste of money and energy.

Use Green Products

Approach the custodial team at the company and require them to eliminate the old products and use green products instead. Green products are free of harmful toxins and don’t pollute the air. This same method applies to hand soap and paper towels. If possible, use an eco-friendly hand soap and install a hand dryer instead of paper towels in the bathrooms.

Change Lighting

Sure, the fluorescent glow of LED lights isn’t always the loveliest to look at. However, LED lights are a lot easier on the environment and they last a lot longer. They don’t require nearly as much energy and oftentimes, they’re a little less expensive.

These five changes are ones that can be done pretty quickly and effectively. After sharing these changes with the staff, make a starting date and an end date to make sure these changes happen quickly without procrastination. Before long, you’ll be able sit back and watch the company easily adjust to these green changes nicely.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Brooke Chaplain: Five Simple Changes to Make for a Greener Business
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    An additional suggestion: Change diets.

    Agriculture is a very significant source of CO2 emissions. Therefore, by changing our diets we can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Eating meat, which is not a necessary part of the diet as I and millions of others have demonstrated, results in more CO2 emissions than a vegetarian diet.

    Probably others will want to expand on this.