From Guest Blogger Christopher Austin: Sustainable Flooring Options–The Responsible and Healthy Way to Enhance your Home

Sustainable Flooring Options--The Responsible and Healthy Way to Enhance your HomeEnvironmental concerns usually focus on the damage that the various chemicals and pollutants are doing to the atmosphere. The potential effect is devastating. However, there may be pollutants in your own home which can be very harmful to your health.  One of the worst examples of this is when you fit a new carpet. This will typically release hundreds of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) which have been associated with a wide range of serious illnesses. Surprisingly it can take years for these VOCs to dissipate! Fortunately, there is a range of alternative flooring you can use which is environmentally friendly and human friendly.

Green carpet

Green carpeting refers to carpeting solutions made with green credentials, not specifically carpet which is green in color. This type of carpet will have a natural fiber backing and will have been produced from sustainable materials. Typical materials include wool, seagrass, jutes and natural sisals. Many of these also have no stain repellant chemicals to limit the harmful effects. Ideally your carpet should be tacked in place rather than glued; this will limit any damage to the environment.


Cork is a great choice for flooring; it is made from the bark of the Cork Oak tree and is completely sustainable. It can be dyed a variety of colors, is warm underfoot and resistant to insects as well as being fire retardant. It is also incredibly durable and weather-proof. There are lots of DIY projects on the web from where you can get inspired to create your very own cork carpet; however, for flooring you might want to consult with a specialist to help you make a sensible decision.


This product is also sustainable, it is actually a grass and not a wood as commonly thought.  Once cut it can grow back within a few years. Bamboo tiles are very easy to install and they last pretty well for many years; bamboo can also be purchased in a wide variety of colors, all of which highlight the grain and create stunning, environmentally friendly flooring.


Linoleum is a type of flooring that material is entirely natural! It is made from linseed oil, cork dust, tree resin, wood flour, pigments and a little limestone. It is water resistant and fire retardant as well as warm and stylish underfoot. It dies require a sealer to protect it from stains.

Glass tiles

Old wine and beer bottles are now being converted into glass tiles and used on your floor. Not only is this an environmentally friendly use of a waste product but it can create a stunning flooring! The tiles can be made in a wide variety of colors and patterns; they will also reflect light and help any space to feel lighter and brighter.


This is a relative new product to the finished floor market, although it has been used commercially for a long time. Concrete can be polished and tinted to create a floor that needs virtually no maintenance and will last a lifetime. It can be laid to look like tiles or even have other materials laid into it.


Rubber is an all-natural product that makes an excellent choice for a floor. It has been a popular choice in gyms and playgrounds but is now starting to appear in kitchens and bathrooms. It is water resistant, warm and can be supplied in a variety of different colors and styles.


This may seem a surprising choice but leather rugs have been around for hundreds of years. They are natural and stylish as well as warm underfoot. Leather is not good in bathrooms or kitchens as they are not waterproof. It actually improves as it ages; scratches and fading make it appear more authentic and endearing.


It is possible to use hardwood for your floor but you must confirm that it is either reclaimed or is from a sustainable source. Hardwood floors can look stunning in any house; they can be sanded or varnished, or even painted to create a warm, comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

There are so many sustainable flooring options you can go with when decorating your home. Choose a type and model that best matches with your preferences and style, and transform your home into a beautiful, welcoming place to live.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Christopher Austin: Sustainable Flooring Options–The Responsible and Healthy Way to Enhance your Home
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    Good information. It would have been even better if it had stated which flooring options are compatible with radiant floor heating.

    Some types of wood flooring are not compatible with radiant floor heating since it will warp. Other types may have too high an insulating value thereby requiring a higher water temperature to get adequate heat.