From Guest Blogger Brooke Chaplan: Changing the Future–Careers that Impact the Environment

Sustainability is one of the most pressing issues today. The largest impact of global warming has fallen onto the shoulders of millennials, and there are many who now wish to find careers that won’t just pay their bills, but will also help them save our planet. If you have a passion for Earth and want to find a job that will allow you to come up with the environmental solutions of the future, check out these four careers and see if there’s a match for you.
Environmental Scientist

A four-year undergraduate degree in Environmental Science is the minimal requirement for most entry-level environmental scientist positions. An environmental scientist can work in all sorts of areas regarding the environment, such as global warming and climate change, environmental health and restoration, water safety and protection and more. Depending on your interests and career goals, working as an environmental scientist can take you in a variety of different directions and provide a job that’s both fulfilling and beneficial to your community.


If you love animals, then working as a zoologist will allow you to help take care of the planet’s creatures and offer the opportunity to work alongside wildlife biologists in the conservation of habitats and the prevention of species extinction. Zoologists perform research and environmental analysis to help come up with effective solutions for wildlife conversation and can work anywhere from government offices to labs.


Green tech and businesses are a growing trend who need competent and skilled engineers behind them. For instance, online civil engineering degrees or environmental engineering degrees will allow you to work alongside contractors and business owners to come up with environmentally-friendly, sustainable solutions. Engineers can help green business make a greater impact on the world and their industries.

Solar Cell Technician

These technicians help develop the solar panels and technology that is expected to fuel the world in the future, as well as bring power to where it previously wasn’t attainable such as remote, poor countries. Production of solar cells and photovoltaic systems has doubled every two years during the past decade, according to the European Commission, so if you’re looking for a relevant job in an industry with a future, solar cell tech fits the bill.

Choosing Jobs That Help the Environment

It’s important to discover the areas of environmental conversation you’re most passionate about, as doing so will help focus your career ambitions. Environmental science is a varied and exciting field that can give you everything from an office job to a high-tech laboratory. Almost every industry out there can benefit from having an environmental sector, so think about what fields and causes interest use the most and use them as a map for your future career in the environmental industry.

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