From Guest Blogger Brooke Chaplan: Green Practices for Businesses–Resources to Utilize and Implement

The environment has become a very big concern in the world we live in. People and businesses alike are finally realizing that we cannot continue to abuse this planet the way we have been for many decades. Many politicians have brought attention to the importance of going green and doing your part to help the environment. Many companies of all sizes have started to use green methods to conduct their daily tasks. Here are a few of the common ways that companies are chipping in and helping to save this planet.
Mandatory Recycling Programs

One of the easiest things that companies can do in terms of helping the environment is make it mandatory for every employee to recycle. It is common for companies to place trash cans that are specifically made for recyclable materials next to the regular trash cans. Some companies are more lenient with their recycling policies than others. However, large companies that do not have some form of recycling program in place often receive criticism from the media. This has forced many companies to jump on the recycling bandwagon in order to avoid getting bad press.

Electronic Training

The method of training employees has been completely changed by many companies in today’s business world. It has become increasingly common for companies to start using an on-demand learning portal for electronic training modules to train employees. This is a much more efficient way to educate employees about various issues than having them go to a real classroom. One of the biggest advantages is the fact that the people will be using electronic forms during these training sessions. This means that no trees will be destroyed to create paper. It is a completely paperless form of training.

Avoid Wasted Electricity

The amount of electricity that offices waste every day is staggering. Fortunately, there are two very easy ways that businesses can help the environment and lower their energy costs at the same time. First, the installation of motion detectors in all employee bathrooms can prevent the lights being on for many hours when they are not in use. Also, there are companies that make it mandatory for all employees to turn off their computers when they go home.

The government has been creating various laws for businesses to follow to better protect the environment. However, it is good to see than many companies across the country and around the world are going green on their own without being forced to do so.

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2 comments on “From Guest Blogger Brooke Chaplan: Green Practices for Businesses–Resources to Utilize and Implement
  1. Thank you Brooke, I enjoy your articles. We have a ways to go to get people (in the USA especially) to change their wasteful ways, but getting the word out like this is essential to the process. Teaching kids in schools about the importance of recycling and having the school be an example of how to do it right is one of the best ways–less UN-learning required. Then they get to go home and teach their parents! 🙂

  2. Breath on the Wind says:

    The entire article contains almost exactly the same sentence structure for every line. If you are not asleep by the end of the article you also might notice it also lacks facts and any references to support the sweeping assertions. Rather than an exhaustive list of resources for business, the article seems more of a push for impersonal electronic training. The only reference is to a corporation that presumably makes money from this business. The conflict of interest is patently obvious degrading intent, independence and purpose of the article.

    The article might be considered sophomoric but calling it a high school essay could be a compliment.