2GreenEnergy’s Newsletters Attempt To Keep People Guessing

2GreenEnergy's Newsletters Attempt To Keep People GuessingIn connection with my post, “A Chilling Lesson From Two of History’s Most Important Philosophers,” a reader from Florida notes: Hi Craig, Wow! Had to read that a couple of times.”

I wrote: Glad you liked it! (I use exclamation points only in response to those who use them.)  I try to make them diverse; readers don’t know if they’ll be hearing about physics (or chemistry or biology), politics, philosophy, economics, calling out the bad guys, law, inspiring people to action, or something even outside of my favorites (listed above). I’m not an expert in any of these things, but I couldn’t do my job well without a working knowledge of each.  And I think the lack of predictability is one of the things that keep all this fun.  At least it’s fun for me; I hope reader share some of that.


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