From Guest Blogger Brooke Chaplan: Poison-Free Pest Control Remedies for Your Home

Poison-Free Pest Control Remedies for Your HomeNo one wants to expose their family to toxins when trying to clean and protect your home. As a result, concerned parents and home owners take great interest in a poison-free approach to pest control. While many substances exist that will drive pests away, it is sometimes difficult to know which are best to use around the house. The following poison-free pest control measures will help keep any family free of many common, unwanted pests.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
When searching for a poison-free pest repellant, food grade diatomaceous earth will be useful in driving away a wide variety of pests. Because other forms of diatomaceous earth are not safe for human consumption, it is critical that the type of diatomaceous earth you use around the house—especially if you have pets or small children—is the food-grade version. Under a microscope, this powdery substance looks like it has razor-sharp edges and barbs. This makes diatomaceous earth particularly irritating and deadly to small insects on contact. When applying this powder, it is smart to use a face cover to not inhale any airborne powder during application. Humans and larger pets, such as dogs, can eat food grade diatomaceous earth. It is commonly used as a form of intestinal parasite control as well as a home and garden pest repellant.

Sticky Traps
Sticky traps are used to trap everything from insects around the home or garden, to annoying fall flies. Applying a nontoxic sticky substance to the surface of a large yellow sheet of plastic will create a trap that many insects cannot resist. Once stuck to the plastic, the insects are easily disposed of, and the plastic sheet may be reused for further applications.

Professional Pest Control
Modern pest control methods have been devised to address the concerns of people not wanting to be poisoned in their own home when removing unwanted pests. When contacting pest control in Fairfax or your local area, be sure to inquire about safe pest control substances and methods they use. This is particularly important when members of your family have any sort of breathing-related health concerns. Some of these companies work exclusively with all natural pest control remedies that are nonpoisonous in nature.

As people learn to control pests without the use of poisonous chemicals, they find that effective, safe methods of pest control do exist. Many times these remedies can be derived from substances around the house, such as mint oil, powders, and a variety of food items that insects cannot stand. With a little research, it is possible to build a comprehensive plan of safe pest control methods for just about any type of pest attempting to invade your home.
One of the best kept secrets in the pest control community is to simply have a clean home. Generally, it is an unclean environment with a lot of potential food sources for pests that invites pest problems.

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