From Guest Blogger Brooke Chaplan: Sustaining the Earth–Careers that Lead to a Better Environment

Most people would say that a steady paycheck is the reason why they go to work. However, for other people the reason for doing the job they do goes beyond the financial compensation they receive. They get a deep sense of satisfaction from what they do, and they feel like they are having a positive impact on the lives of people in their community as well as on the planet as a whole. The following is a list of some of the careers that are having a positive impact on the environment.


In the United States, there are approximately 2 million farmers. Interestingly, the majority of them are 55 years of age or over. The work they do not only provides the food we eat, but when performed in a sustainable way using small-scale organic methods, it has a positive impact on the environment. Farming is an area where more help is needed. It is estimated that over the next few years tens of millions of farmers will be needed to fill the farming demand.


Very few people list Forrester on their top 10 dream jobs. However, foresters do a job that has a powerfully positive impact on the environment, on conservation, and on financial development. The World Bank estimates that more than one and a half billion individuals rely on the forest to live. Foresters work with these individuals to help them go from the destructive slash and burn techniques that many use to a form of planting and growing that is more environmentally friendly. They work with communities and governments alike to address deforestation.

Civil Engineers

Civil engineers are people who are passionate about the environment. Their passion when coupled with the skills learned while earning a master’s in civil engineering allow them to have a greater impact on the environment than any other group of people on the planet. Civil engineers work with the air people breathe, the water they drink, as well as addressing environmental and infrastructure challenges on a global scale.

Installing Solar Panels

The installation of solar panels accounts for more than half a million jobs around the world. Installing photovoltaic cells is a high-paying job, with some individuals earning up to $35 an hour. It is a trade that is growing and is estimated to increase by more than 100,000 jobs over the next few years. Individuals who work in this field play a role in minimizing fossil fuel use and creating sustainable energy that has a positive impact on the planet.

As people’s attitudes toward the environment and protecting the plant change, so will the number of jobs that are available to address these concerns. Whether working installing solar panels, as a civil engineer, as a farmer, or as one tasked at protecting the forest, individuals whose work allows them to protect the environment go home at the end of the day with a sense of joy and accomplishment.

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