An Instruction in Life from Aleksandr Pushkin

An Instruction in Life from Aleksandr PushkinFearing no insult, asking for no crown, receive with indifference both flattery and slander, and do not argue with a fool. -Aleksandr Pushkin, poet, novelist, and playwright (6 Jun 1799-1837)

Let that last thought sink in for a bit. When you see someone duking it out with Trump supporters on Facebook, ask yourself: What’s the problem with simply ignoring angry, uneducated people? Yes, it’s sad that they exist–and especially in such appalling numbers–but debating them doesn’t accomplish anything.

We can all learn something valuable from Pushkin on this one. There will always be people who don’t have the capacity to think clearly, either intellectually or morally.  Accepting their presence is one thing; arguing against them is another.

The relevance to renewable energy and sustainability? It may seem obvious to you that preserving a life-supporting environment is more important than corporate profits.  But keep in mind: that’s a notion that’s completely lost on a great many people.

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