From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: How to Make Sure you Have a Cool Home this Summer

How to Make Sure you Have a Cool Home this SummerAs the weather gets warmer, you’re likely going to be using your air conditioning unit a lot more. However, this isn’t the only way that you can stay cool. There are several practical ways to keep your home comfortable during the summer season without raising your electricity bill. Here are a few practical tips you can start using today.

Don’t Close off Your Rooms

If you keep the doors in your home closed, you’ll prevent cool air from coming in, especially during the parts of the day when the sun is shining the brightest. Keep the doors cracked or open, so that cool air will flow freely through your home, especially during the evening hours when there’s a summer breeze.

Close the Blinds

Even though this may seem like a simple and obvious tip, keeping your blinds closed in the summer could help tremendously. According to Family Handyman, about 30 percent of heat comes into your home through the windows. So, when you close the blinds, you’ll be saving about 7 percent on your energy bill, and you can lower the temperature inside your home by up to 20 degrees! It’s especially important to close the blinds on the south and west of your home, so you can keep out the warm rays of the sun during the hottest parts of the day.

Switch out Your Sheets

You probably change your sheets in the spring and summer to refresh the look of your room, and this trick can also help to keep you cooler. Choose summer linens made of cotton, instead of heavier materials like wool or fleece. You can also get a few buckwheat pillows. Buckwheat hulls naturally have air space between them, so the pillows will keep you cooler, even when you put them in a pillow case.

Use a Fan “Hack”

Fill a large bowl with ice and place it in front of a fan. The air that comes off of the ice is especially cool and has a light mist to keep you cool and comfortable. You can also use an ice pack for this hack.

Of course, there are some summer days when you’ll have to crank up the AC in addition to using the fan. Be sure to call your local AC technician to check your unit to make sure it’s running properly. Companies like Glendale Heating & Air Conditioning can also give you information about replacing your unit with a more energy-efficient option if need be.

“Reverse” Your Ceiling Fans

Every season, it’s a good idea to adjust your ceiling fans. Set the fans counter-clockwise during the summer, and put the fans on a higher speed. The flow of the air will feel more like a breeze and can help you cool down faster.

Reduce Your Body Temperature

When you lower your body heat, you’ll feel cooler no matter where you are. Sip drinks that are filled with ice, or apply a cool or cold cloth to pulse points like your wrists and neck so that you can cool your body from the inside out. Wearing lighter colored clothing made from thinner fabric will also keep you comfortable while you’re indoors, and keep you from having the over-use the air conditioner.

Of course, there are some summer days when you’ll have to crank up the AC. Be sure to call your local AC technician to check your unit to make sure it’s running properly. Companies like Glendale Heating & Air Conditioning can also give you information about replacing your unit with a more energy-efficient option if need be.

These are just some of the easy ways you can make sure you and your family are cool and comfortable during the summer. After spending a day outdoors exploring the city or going on a summer adventure, you’ll be glad to come back to a relaxed environment that is just the right temperature.

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