From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Six Ways To Help Your Community Get Involved in Recycling

 Six Ways To Help Your Community Get Involved in RecyclingThe overabundance of trash entering the landfills each day is a huge problem for our world and sustainability. While these items decompose, chemicals and toxins are leeching into our underground water system. Some items will never decompose. It is a huge problem for everyone on the planet.

One way to combat this is by recycling. Every family that recycles is a step in the right direction. Getting your entire community on board to recycle is a great initiative to help the planet.

Spread the Word

The residents in the town need to know what the plan is and why. Spreading the word through fliers, rallies and newsletters are a great way to explain to people. Make sure they understand that it is free and easy. An overview of the benefits of recycling is a great idea as well.

Set Recycling Goals

When people have a goal to work towards, it doesn’t feel as if they are blindly climbing a hill. Set a target for the community. Maybe 10% of waste should be recycled. The goal should be for the public to see and a place to show their current status. A website or billboard is a great way to make this information accessible.

Community Drop off Locations

Communities need to a few drop of locations for recycling. This makes it easier for residents to take part in the recycling program. There are many options for recycling bins. Check your local waste collection companies.

Teach Young Children

If we want a better future for our world, we need to teach the children. Bring a recycling program and containers to local schools. Teachers should encourage and teach the children about the benefits of recycling and how to do so properly. Each school should have a goal as well.

Recycling Events

Host community events once a month, such as a barbeque. Residents can drop off the recyclables they accumulated throughout the month. Then, they can eat food and enjoy time with their neighbors.

Earning Money from Electronics

People put electronics in the trash frequently. This is the worse place for them. Set up bins to collect unwanted or broken electronics. Then, the community can send it what was collected to earn money towards something for the community, such as new playground equipment.

With a little ingenuity and education, every community can find a way to encourage recycling. It will benefit resident relationships and the planet.

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