From Shell Oil: Green Finance Database

From Shell Oil: Green Finance Database

A long-time subscriber the clean transportation sector writes:  Craig: Maybe you can draw some ideas from this concept for a green finance database initiative, aimed at helping environmental start-ups.

Thanks.  I played around with this a bit, and entered some sample data.  Maybe as more people use this and more investors come on board it will be useful; currently, it’s not really that helpful.  It’s a cool idea, though, and I hope it goes on to play a major role in the financing of cleantech enterprises.

Of course, I’m always skeptical when oil companies promote competitive solutions in the energy space, though I try not to be too cynical.

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One comment on “From Shell Oil: Green Finance Database
  1. marcopolo says:

    Hi Craig,

    A little cynicism can be helpful in being objective.

    It’s useful to remember that “Clean tech” owes a huge debt of gratitude to some of the major Oil companies;

    Exxon ; lithium Battery development, ceramics, industrial carbon reduction, bio-fuel R&D. Octupus, nano-robotic technology, Bio-degradable Chemical compounds for reducing the impact of waste, development of clean tech dry-cleaning, the list is very extensive.

    Chevron, Geo-thermal, carbon capture technology, mass produced cheap analytical technology for the detection of harmful elements in waste from gas, and oil wells.

    Shell: R&D into bio-fuel, hydrogen fuel cells, research, funding and assistance with uncovering the harmful effects of Marine grade No 6 fuel oil, (Bunker oil) and another extensive list of clean tech .

    British Petroleum: Bio-fuel research, virtually the entire Solar industry development and promotion for two decades.

    To provide a complete list would need more space, and time than I have, but it’s true that Oil companies over the years have contributed generously to Clean Tech development.

    In reality, Oil companies have no obligation to pursue any technology not related to their core product.