From Guest Blogger Joel Smith: Nine Eco-friendly Tips to Save Money and Go Green

Nine Eco-friendly Tips to Save Money and Go GreenAs nature’s state is going worse by the day, the best thing that you can do is to do some things that may help in easing the increasing problem of the environment. Here are some go-green tips for you can follow to save your money and the environment as well.


  1. Use Public Transportation

Reducing the times you would be commuting is like killing two birds with one stone — you can help the environment, and you are also saving money. As much as possible, you should stick to public transportation, carpool, and bicycle. These options are great for improving the air quality of your place, and you are also able to save gas.

  1. Read Online

The technology we have today enables us to have digital copies of books, magazines, and any other reading material. Opt for reading online rather than from paper versions. Online reading is one way to help in saving trees, energy, and fuel which are used for the creation, delivery, and recycling of these paper versions.

  1. Use outdoor solar lights

For your path lights or any other lighting outside the house, you can use solar lights. These lights can be charged during the day with the utilization of the sun’s heat, and it will already light up all night. You can opt for this instead of using an electrical light.

  1. Be Energy Efficient

When you are buying appliances, go for those with Energy Star logos because these are the types that are more durable, environmentally-friendly, and can help you save more on cash for utility bills. You’ll get more savings over time. For cooking, you can also invest on portable induction cooktops since helps you cook faster and save on costs.

  1. Go for LED Lights

By using LED lights at home, you can save hundreds to thousands of money and energy. These LED lights have a very long lifespan for use; they can last as long as ten years. To save more, you can buy them on sale and slowly replace them when needed.

  1. Use reusable water bottles

When you buy plastic water bottles, you are more prone to toxins, and you are also leaving a trail of waste. When you buy plastic bottles, you are not doing your health, wallet, and the environment a favor.

  1. Recycle your electronics

Your unused appliances and gadgets would be put to use when you sell them up. By doing so, you can clean up the unused stuff that sits idly at home and you will be able to earn a few bucks. You may try posting it on online selling sites so you can sell them faster. Coupon Retailr can also be considered since they give out discounts.

  1. Use Rechargeable Batteries

From kids’ toys to battery-operated appliances and gadgets, many batteries are used in every home. These batteries are made up of toxic materials and acids. When disposed of improperly, batteries can bring damage to the environment. Rechargeable batteries are a better option since these can be used over and over again; you’ll just have to charge, and you won’t need to dispose of it.

  1. Use a programmable thermostat

This device is useful since it allows you to set your heat or AC unit to turn on and off at a specific time — preferably right before you reach home and when you are asleep, respectively. You can save lots of money and energy; you are also reducing pollution.

You can start doing these tips today, and you should also educate your family members about it. There are a hundred ways that we can do, as temporary inhabitants of this earth, to help in dealing with the problems that are occurring today.

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