Trump on the Environment

Trump on the EnvironmentWhile the chorus of anti-Trump sentiment is growing louder by the day, he remains very much in the public spotlight, perhaps only for the wonderment we all hold: what hateful, laughably erroneous, irresponsible thing is he going to say next?  How far will he go before the spineless senate Republicans who checked their integrity at the door retract their endorsements?  I have to admit, it’s a considerable circus; I can see how the whole process continues to fascinate so many people.

Yet we who concern ourselves with ecological sustainability have it easy: we don’t need additional reasons to detest Trump beyond his wanton disregard for our environment.  Check this out.



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One comment on “Trump on the Environment
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    A friend of mine in San Diego told me that a number of years ago, when a Democratic candidate won the nomination for some office in California, the Democratic party urged people to vote for the Republican. Perhaps someone here who knows the details could post them here.