Pope Francis on Capitalism and the God of Money

Pope Francis on Capitalism and the God of Money

I’m fairly guarded with my comments on the legitimacy of capitalism as the foundation of our civilization. But holy mackerel, the Pope certainly isn’t.

Say what you will about modern-day life, but you sure can’t claim it’s boring.  Think of all the phenomena we’ve seen in just the past few years that were entirely absent previously, e.g.:

• The Pope taking bold, daring humanitarian positions on secular matters

• One of the two major political parties in the largest and strongest country on Earth nominating a sociopath as its candidate for the presidency

• All this in the context of imminent environmental catastrophe on a biblical scale

Jiminy Crickets it’s weird out there.



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2 comments on “Pope Francis on Capitalism and the God of Money
  1. frank Eggers says:

    Instead of simply condemning capitalism, I suggest listing all the alternatives with their advantages and disadvantages.