Forbes: U.S. Presidential Candidates Differ Sharply on Renewable Energy

Forbes: U.S. Presidential Candidates Differ Sharply on Renewable EnergyNo comment on this article about Trump’s and Clinton’s policies re: solar and wind; the thing speaks for itself.

I really hesitate to bring any of this up at all; I’m really looking forward to having this behind us, with Trump a fading and distant memory, so we can all go back to the task of building a true democracy of, by and for the people.  We’re sure a long way from that now.



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One comment on “Forbes: U.S. Presidential Candidates Differ Sharply on Renewable Energy
  1. Silent Running says:

    Craig in respect to the Trump distraction – in a democracy often Progress is a slow but Comfortable Disease !

    It has been somewhat uncomfortable disease for 14 months but there is a Strong Light Beaming in the Distance
    The Long View will over come the bluff and bluster of a carbon soaked and monied mouthpiece for the Carbon industries.

    Perhaps their last gasp of Smoke – its nice to give miners jobs they are decent people but how do you get people to buy the coal when they want something else? And the something else costs less and does not harm them? Perhaps the words of don’t Let the Smoke get in Your Eyes should be playing !!

    One wants to maintain and return to Carbon fuel all the way regardless of the consequences while the other continue s and expands the Energy Transformation to a more Sustainable Future and the economic benefits that will bring.

    Its a Dark versus Light difference !