The Future of Eco-Friendly Food

The Future of Eco-Friendly FoodI had my first encounter with what could be called “eco-friendly superfoods” when a second-grade classmate, Phillip Stahl, brought a box of chocolate-covered ants and crickets to school, and everyone took a sample. I can still remember the resounding “eeewwwwww” that echoed around the room when  we found out the task that lay before us.  Linked above is a good article on the subject.  

There is no doubt that there exists a huge psychological hurdle associated with consuming certain things like insects and worms.  May I suggest that we feed the crickets to fish and then eat the fish?

We’ll soon have synthetic meat that supposedly has the same consistency, flavor, and appearance of beef; I suppose that might get me to the point of eating red meat again, but it would sure take some getting used to.

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One comment on “The Future of Eco-Friendly Food
  1. Breath on the Wind says:

    I suppose we can then say that such “superfoods” don’t seem to work if you are already convinced by various reasons to be a vegetarian.

    Instead you might then be looking at the various minerals, and vitamins available in various plants commonly eaten.