Eviscerating the American Petroleum Institute: John Oliver At His Best

Eviscerating the American Petroleum Institute: John Oliver At His BestIs there anyone who doesn’t stand in awe of (British political comedian) John Oliver? It’s hard to imagine how a few moments each week could be packed with more hard-hitting truth, all delivered on a sardonic carrier wave that leaves its audience rolling on the floor.  

Here, the master shreds the American Petroleum Institute (API), the lobby group composed of pseudo-scientist liars whose job  is to promote the obvious safety and salubrious benefits of oil in our world.  Just like you won’t learn too much about paleontology from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, you won’t learn too much about the realities of oil consumption from the API.

As always, I was howling; I hope you enjoy it too.

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One comment on “Eviscerating the American Petroleum Institute: John Oliver At His Best
  1. Breath on the wind says:

    Fantastic! Somehow I missed this one. Thanks for the notice.