From Guest Blogger Kara Mastersen: Four Reasons Why “Green” Motorcycles Are Gaining Popularity

protects the environmentAs our society strives to be more environmentally responsible, the impact of harmful emissions becomes increasingly taboo. Reducing individual emissions is one step toward diminishing our collective carbon footprint. Hybrid and electric vehicles, such as “green” motorcycles, are one way to achieve this goal. In addition to being pleasing aesthetically and mechanically, “green” motorcycles convey many benefits to riders and the environment.

Clean Ride, Clean Conscience

The appeal of eco-friendly motorcycles is on the rise. Sleek, vibrant models promise all the horsepower of traditional motorcycles without posing as much harm to the environment. Electric motorcycles, which run on rechargeable batteries, produce no emissions of any kind. According to Green Choices, hybrid motorcycles, which run on a combination of electricity and gas, produce less emissions than traditional motorcycles.

Cheaper Fuel Sources

The United States alone consumes approximately 19.4 million barrels of petroleum-based products daily, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. That gas costs motorists lots of money, even when gas prices are low. On the other hand, a hybrid or electric motorcycle consumes less gas or none at all, which reduces gas bills dramatically and does not contribute carbon dioxide to the environment. It also makes a small dent in our precarious mass dependence on oil. As an alternative to gas stations, wind farms now sell electricity to motorists who require it for the rechargeable batteries in their “green” vehicles.

“Green” Motorcycles Are Less Noisy

Drivers can’t rev electric engines, so electric and even hybrid motorcycles don’t cause oppressive noise pollution. Both hybrid and electric motorcycles tend to be lighter in weight than traditional motorcycles, so they sustain less wear and tear over the course of a lifetime. They also wreak less havoc on roads and highways, which helps to preserve infrastructure to everyone’s benefit over longer periods.

“Green” Rhymes With Clean

Electric and hybrid motorcycles are much cleaner options in general. By halving the use of fuel, or eliminating it entirely, “green” motorcycles do not entail the heavy use of dirty, toxic substances. Also, many electric and hybrid “green” motorcycles run on lithium ion batteries, which are better for the environment. They require less material to make and contain no substances harmful to humans or the ecosystem.

Staying Safe and Protected

Riding “green” motorcycles reduces commuter congestion and protects the environment. Even so, motorists still must protect themselves and at least try to prevent accidents, which inevitably happen. When it comes to unexpected accidents it is a good idea to contact people like those at Scherline And Associates. People like this can really help you out if you have questions about motorcycle accidents and injury law.

Overall, having a motorcycle can actually help lower your carbon footprint. All you have to do is look into green options for motorcycles. That way you can determine which motorcycle is best for you and your environment. The more research the better.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Kara Mastersen: Four Reasons Why “Green” Motorcycles Are Gaining Popularity
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    If hybrid and electric motorcycles were comparable in price to conventional motorcycles, far more of them would be sold.