Climate Change Activism

Climate Change ActivismOne of my email signatures reads: “I won’t be the dad who knew, but did nothing.”  And sure, I’m doing what I can to broaden my limited exposure and communicate the truth about climate change and the urgency associated with it, promoting a spirit of cooperation, compassion and foresightedness.  Is what I’m doing effective?  That’s hard to know.

What’s easy to see, however, is that Bill Nye “the Science Guy” is a fabulously effective agent in calling for a worldwide effort to deal with global warming before it’s too late.  As suggested in this article, the dude is constantly in motion, with a glorious multi-prong effort to focus the world on the scientific facts with respect to climate change mitigation.

Impressive, isn’t it?  A few years ago, who would have thought that this skinny fellow with the bow ties and a few appearances on children’s television would rise to this position of prominence in helping our civilization deal with what is arguably its greatest threat?  We should all stand in awe, and let this phenomenon inspire every one of us to work a little harder.

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