Lots of Comments on 2GreenEnergy

Lots of Comments on 2GreenEnergyWe’re closing in on 15,000 comments here on 2GreenEnergy, an average of about six per day since the inception of the site in 2009, but that average isn’t reflective of the last six months, during which we’ve had a bumper crop.  My profound thanks to the many hundreds of people who have chimed in over the years; you have made the entire experience more interesting and valuable for everyone.

Obviously, there are people whom I deem to be on the wrong side of the issues, but that’s more than fine; it would be a rather dull world if everyone were in agreement.



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2 comments on “Lots of Comments on 2GreenEnergy
  1. Larry Lemmert says:

    Congratulations on your success with this unique structured blog.
    Maybe you could monetize the site by selling ads for green products and services. If you don’t want to profit personally from such a venture you could donate income above expenses to your favorite environmental cause.

    • craigshields says:

      Thanks, Larry. I don’t have a moral problem with making money, to be sure. Selling ads however wouldn’t generate enough revenue to make it worthwhile. Maybe when we get more traffic. Tell your friends! 🙂