Is There More Than One Way to Interpret Trump’s Position that Climate Change Is a Hoax?

Is There More Than One Way to Interpret Trump's Position that Climate Change Is a Hoax?Frequent commenter MarcoPolo reacts to my post on Donald Trump’s “climate change is a hoax” position:  The vast majority of Trump supporters and significant percentage of the population, understand not to take Trump too literally…..The danger of this sort of campaign (against Trump) is it preaches to the converted, who would vote against Trump anyway, but it may also motivate a lot of people who may not have bothered to vote to vote for Trump in protest.

Speaking for most American’s, we’re not comfortable with a would-be president of the US (or the deputy mayor of a small town in Oklahoma) whose statements are not to be taken literally. We have a hard enough time with politicians without having to guess at what they’re trying to say. This discomfort is magnified by the fact that these statements are generally hateful and threatening in nature. How dangerous is he, really?  No one knows.

Also, I can’t imagine that the nation’s general distaste for Trump, which is growing every day, is increasing his support in the slightest.

In any case, he’s going to lose big, and soon be remembered only as the force that so profoundly embarrassed this entire great nation on the world stage and removed the GOP from relevance for a very long time to come.

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5 comments on “Is There More Than One Way to Interpret Trump’s Position that Climate Change Is a Hoax?
  1. Silent Running says:

    Good Objective Summary of the Political Scene Craig.

    There are too many reasons not to take trump seriously he is just Pandering to ignorance and rejection of the intelligent class. ( a deep subject of its own )

    Marco Polo makes reference to that dynamic being part of the game there is a big Blow Back to the ruling elites and the masses get caught up in it. That part is right.

    However the Facts from the people who know what they are talking about are in and the majority of the informed people and leaders in the World believe it is High Time to get into Higher Gear and take Action to reduce the GHG issues with excessive carbon burning. And the business community is betting Billions on making and selling business / technical solutions to mitigate the problem. So all the little trumpeters and the other minions who follow Trump can stay on the Docks and wait for the ships to return because the Ships have Sailed.

    Left behind is the result of their confusion.

    Marco you were probably right on the negative impact of Obama speaking up before the Brexit vote there was backlash from my view and it impacted the Vote.

    Trump’s lack of real knowledge on many things related to energy are just the tip of the Icebergs of Ignorance he represents ! His time on the Big Stage is a Stain on our Culture.

  2. marcopolo says:


    “Speaking for most American’s” …

    I think you just illustrated what the Trump supporters complain about! Do you really think you speak for “most” Americans ?

    It’s a pretty arrogant assumption, even for pollsters who often find that people don’t really say what in their hearts, but increasingly what they think they should reply to be politically correct and inoffensive.

    Although a representative democratic system people allows government by a simple majority, it’s not helpful to leave a significant, but resentful, minority feeling alienated.

    Tragically, at such an important time in US history the nation is offered two such deeply flawed and poorly qualified candidates to lead the nation.

    Neither candidate inspires or unites. Both offer very little but partisan promises, bolstered by urging hatred of one another while preaching divisiveness.

    As far as taking candidates too literally, that’s obvious by the poor voter turnout in the US. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not study everything their politicians say with profound scrutiny, nor expect politicians to rigorously accomplish every announced policy. ( “most” Americans couldn’t even explain candidates policies).

    Like all advocates, your fervent partisanship and “winner take all” attitude, must inevitably lead to further bitter division in American public life.

    America, indeed the world, needs leaders who can inspire not only support among their supporters, but display concern and respect for their opponents. A truly great leader can make even opponents feel their views have been considered and only with reluctance rejected but the opponent as an individual is still respected and encouraged to continue to partake in public life.

    It’s true such leaders are rare. Modern media demands controversy and sensationalism over conciliation and moderation.The rise of social media, especially Facebook, Twitter etc, doesn’t help. Social media tends to create further distortions and division.

    I fear gloating at the failure of the Trump campaign will not reconcile or dissuade his supporters, who will simply seek a more plausible populist in four years time.

    Trump campaign has been remarkably successful in opening a Pandora’s box against the Washington establishment. The defeat of trump by a disliked and distrusted candidate will only keep back the tide a few more years.

    All over the world a revolution is taking place among people who are tired of being preached at, lectured, patronized and bullied by self-proclaimed “experts” with increasingly confusing and dubious credentials.

    The Trump campaign may just be the opening shots in a long conflict between a smug, self righteous elite and ordinary people.

    But these are just my observations. Since I’m not blessed with the powers of prophesy, i can only base my guess of future events and trends based on my observation of the present.

  3. Silent Running says:

    Marco your forecast that there will be more trump like candidates in the political pipeline regrettably rings true from my Watch Tower as well.

    For many reasons – much to do with Hyper Globalization leaving many of the Masses economically and socially behind and many other dynamics. Growing dis content, economic malaise and concentration of wealth and social disruption as well as global migration issues and the culture clashes that will be brought upon us. Ironically much of the disruptive migrations are the consequences of drought and pestilence all By Products of Global Warming.
    Trumps Self called Hoax proclamations will be followed by a Curse which will have the Last Laugh !!!

    Yes indeed many of his Minions will be mad and resentful after the election most likely.

    Neo Liberalism and related ruling structures have failed to Balance things out and the market place creates more losers than winners so yes Indeed the stage is set for more trump like candidates.

    There are many articles floating around predicting the same which you are saying. August Atlantic Monthly focused on US political system break down. Good Journalism which is becoming more Rare.

    Our main stream media is quite complicit in the eternal confusion that undermines real political debate. Kabookey theatre Rules !!!

  4. Cameron Atwood says:

    Trump is a self-inflated, bigoted, misogynist, mendacious buffoon.

    If he takes the office of POTUS, it will be because of the cynical and widely admitted machinations of voter suppression, the raging minority of voters who support him, and the frustrated and discouraged hopelessness of massive numbers of eligible voters who will have made no effort to get to the polls.

    The people of the world were shocked and amazed when Bush the Lesser took office (and with Bush I use the phrase “took office” decidedly and advisedly). They were deceived at being overjoyed with Obama, and they will merely be further disgusted if Trump places his hand on the Bible to take an oath he will no doubt promptly break.

    He is the most disliked and distrusted candidate ever nominated by his party in modern history – and for a panoply of excellent reasons, many of which have been articulated at length by members of his own party.

  5. Silent Running says:

    Well Said Cameron ,

    Bush the Lesser – says it all for the enormous failures and destruction his illegal regime imposed on America & much of the World. The wages of his ignorance and the cost of his reign of incompetence are too many and expensive to discuss.

    A blue blood failure thru and thru who was born on third base but told others he Hit triples! His only business venture perhaps only public venture that went right was his taking over the Texas Rangers BB team and he had the help of the taxpayers paying for a good part of the ownership and stadiums too to Boot. Typical Blue Blood Vulture ! He and trumpster are both Hall of Shame Failures !