Let’s Make America Great Again

Let's Make American Great AgainIronically, what you mean when you say that you want to make America great again is that you want to return to the time between the end of WWII and the beginning of the Reagan administration, when taxes on the super-rich were high, and funds were being invested in the systems that empowered the middle class: free education, other public services, building infrastructure, etc.  This is what created the prosperity we enjoyed for those years: a thriving middle class, hard at work improving conditions for themselves and their burgeoning families.

Once this went away, in favor of tax cuts for the wealthy and budget cuts for social services, the U.S. entered into a period of wealth inequality not seen since the days of the robber barons.

Warning: The wealth gap is widening every year.

On the lighter side, I defy you to watch this without laughing.

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One comment on “Let’s Make America Great Again
  1. Silent Running says:

    Craig you have summarized life and economy and politicss in the US very well.

    If this was the America Great again that the Trumper was going for maybe he would have more support but this is not the greatness he really wants , regrettably his Minions dont get it.

    Most Americans suffer from lack of serious cultural and economic and any other deep critical thinking skills.

    The culture made them simpletons and followers Minions and Leemings who fall for every CON Job and CON Man that comes down the Pike .

    They do this for all the wrong reasons too!

    There are books out that talk about Americans suffering from Cultural and Political and Economic Amnesia
    The authors of the great Book Winner Take All Politics put a book called Amnesia out a year or so ago Thoughtful reading for serious minds only.

    How quickly we have forgotten what really made America Great during the 19 50’s thru mid 70 S and then , the grade b movie actor got elected in some sort of public backlash and confusion much like NOW, and the rest is painful as we have been sliding down wards every since.
    Fair taxes activist government and positive climate for workers and control of the Uber Rich capitalists who stash Billions in off shore banks and laugh about it. They have bought and leveraged our government to the Max and want more tax avoidance! A dear friend calls Tax Avoidance a Dangerous Cult!
    The poor state of things is the end result of these foolish and cultural cannibalistic policies.

    One Reaps what One Sows !