From Guest Blogger Ben Allen: Four Ways Millennials Can Help Save the Planet

Four Ways Millennials Can Help Save the PlanetIt can be difficult to feel like you are making a big difference when it comes to saving the world, especially as a member of a younger generation. But you aren’t powerless. Every little, and big, bit helps when it comes to green efforts. Here are some ways you can do your part and help.

Pursuing A Green Career

Whether you are in school right now or already in the work force, finding a job helping the planet is one solution. Some might think that having a green career means you can’t make money, but there are jobs in green energy that make good money.

Eventually, the demand for oil and energy will outgrow what mankind can supply, so people will turn to alternative and green energy. That means careers in green energy will only be more valuable.

Changing Green Programs At Work

Millennials are changing workplaces everywhere and you can affect how green your employer is. The obvious choice is creating a recycling program at your work to help reduce waste. It’s cheap, it’s easy, and if you can get a few coworkers to help out, not a lot of work. Identifying big waste creators in the workspace can help other employees be more conscious of waste and how to reduce it. For example, if your office has a Keurig or other cup coffee maker, the plastic cups they use are a huge, unrecyclable source of waste.

The key to inflicting change is to show management that any green program won’t cost them too much and feature the benefits is will bring them. For many business owners, they hear a “green initiative” and all they think of is how much money they will lose. Start with smaller green programs so they can get a taste of benefits, so they’ll be more conducive to future more impactive plans.

Purchasing Power

Millennials are the biggest generation and are quickly dominating the consumer markets. Using your wallet shows the business world what you support, so support green businesses with your money.

Already, many businesses are seeing buying trends from millennials that relate with being green and healthy. It’s why farmer’s markets and Whole Foods are becoming more popular in recent years. We also have the capabilities to look into companies and what they stand for. That way, we can support companies whose practices are green and helping the world and avoid giving our business to those who don’t.

Being Green Daily

There’s a lot that you can do in your own home to be more green. From home improvement projects to daily habits to conserve energy, you can help the world in your own way. Creating a green home isn’t a one-time thing, and there is always something more you can do.

Other ways you can be more green is by ride-sharing, taking the bus, or riding a bike to work and around town. Again, it might not seem like a lot, and it will seem inconvenient, but it’s another way you can help the world. By grouping up with other environmentalists in your area, you can do a lot of good.

What are you doing to save energy? Have any suggestions for younger generations on how to be more green? Let us know in the comments below.

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