Are You Wasting Your Vote?

Are You Wasting Your Vote?Here’s an article that presents a mathematical analysis of “how not to waste your vote.” Though I find it interesting, I object to the premise, i.e., that any vote for a losing candidate, or any vote for a winning candidate in excess of the number required for his victory is wasted.

This presidential election in the U.S. is a wonderful case in point, and here are a couple of points for consideration:

  • Progressives who happen not to live in swing states have the luxury of voting for the Green Party.  But  is a vote for a party that’s clearly going to lose wasted, even when it communicates our values to our fellow Americans and to people around the world?
  • And perhaps we need to define “swing state.” Given the impending landslide, many states are in play that haven’t voted for a Democrat in the last 100 years.
  • And speaking of communicating to people in other countries who may be wondering what in the hell happened to the great USA, the larger we can make the margin of victory over Donald Trump, the louder our voice that we think he’s a terrible, hateful, selfish person who’s completely unqualified for the office and never should have been nominated in the first place.  We need to sweep all this under the rug as quickly and vigorously as we possibly can, and preserve what’s left of our reputation.

I think the last of the three is the most important.  The Trump phenomenon has made America the laughing stock of the world.  It’s time to start regenerating the respect and admiration for the U.S. on the world stage that has marked the last 240 years.  There is no better way than to ensure the widest possible margin of defeat, demonstrating that we reject Trump and everything he stands for.


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10 comments on “Are You Wasting Your Vote?
  1. Frank R. Eggers says:

    Although I agree that Trump should be defeated by the largest possible margin of defeat, I understand why some people may choose to vote for a third party candidate. They may be most strongly opposed to Trump but are confident that if they vote for a third party candidate Trump will still lose and that by voting for a third party candidate, they are indicating to the other parties that they are dissatisfied by BOTH major party candidates.

    Historically, when third parties begin to get a significant number of votes, one of the two major parties has adopted part of the platform of the third party candidates. So, voting for third party candidates can make a difference.

    It may be that some people opposed to Trump will still vote for him because, although they would not want to see him elected, they want to express their displeasure with Mrs. Clinton and want her to win with the smallest possible margin. If a candidate wins by too large a margin, he or she may become arrogant and excessively confident.

  2. Silent Running says:

    The Robust Rejection of the Trumpster is a National priority for the reasons stated.

    But we do have 2 un popular and some what shady candidates and many people I know are tired of voting for the Lessor of the Two Evils.

    HRC brings her long baggage train of Neo Liberal Corporatist Military Industrial and Financial Accelerators Walmart Board , enabling of her husbands moral failures and all her other hype.

    But she is less an evil than the Trumpster who has no business in the race he may be in jail in 90 days. His cases are pending.

    The only solution that addresses the ROot Problem is America needs public financing of Federal elections. Campaign limits are set lmuch much lower and the endles 2 plus year race is over and the people who are qualiified by Intellectual and desire for True Community service would be the ones running. Not corporate Trojan Horses as we nnow get. Campaign limits would force real debates multiple policy presentations and the news media might just go back to actually reporting news. Stop being cheerleaders and enablers with all their trumped up False Equivalencies Narrative that result in a phony Ginned up horse race that does not serve Americas real interests.

    Corporatioon are not people so their contributions should be limited.

    So until we reform our selves we will continue to muddle along much to our own Detriment and Disgrace as we now find our selves.

    till we limit the Corruptive Force of too much money in politics we will struggle to Fully Achieve The Bounty of our Freedom and actually we will lose our freedom to money over time. enough is Enough

    I too am burdened by that realization but it is reality our system is a Joke! Sad Joke! Under achieving america because of DARK Money

    We may see more trumperian like losers in the near future untill we reform ourselves. later

    • Frank R. Eggers says:

      Perhaps we expect too much of candidates. We cannot expect them to be saints. All will be less than perfect in some respects. If you examine all presidents from Washington until now, you can see that all had problems and made mistakes.

      It may be that Washington and Lincoln were the best ones, but they also were imperfect. I’d expect Mrs. Clinton to be about average. Obama has not been perfect either, but even so, I see him as above average.

  3. marcopolo says:


    I don’t vote in the US and given the present circumstances I think it highlights the advantages of a Constitutional Monarchy, with an elected cabinet, however I agree with you that no vote sincerely cast is completely wasted.

    The simple act of voting is so important in any representative democracy. It’s the one absolute duty each citizen can perform.

    This US Presidential election has brought out the worst in US political partisan activity. It’s no good blaming all this on Trump alone. The Democrats, and self proclaimed “progressives” have to accept much of the blame, and a Clinton victory will most probably only further divide the nation, and further erode the American’s faith in US institutions.

    President Obama’s legacy will be of a well intentioned President, but weak and poorly advised. He has left behind a mountain of debt, failed programs, an ongoing retreat from the consequences of indecisive and even treacherously meddling foreign policy.

    Unlike G.W.Bush who wielded US power erratically (and unwisely)President Obama has just meddled ineffectively thus losing US advantage and showing the US to be a weak and unreliable ally.

    Perhaps it’s not his fault since President Obama was always more of a symbolic President, an acceptable white President with a coloured ancestry.

    To the despair of long term US allies, President Obama revealed US weakness and abandonment of long held guarantees when he choose appeasing the Peoples Republic of China’s expansionist aggression in the South China sea, rather than risk the PRC failing to endorse the largely symbolic and ineffective Paris Climate Agreement.

    The loss of US prestige and respect in South East Asia and the Pacific region is profound. Old allies feel betrayed and the US has begun a process of losing it last great defense against the rising power of the PRC, by craven appeasement.

    HC is a far more serious, and far less well intentioned political operator. Her Presidency will achieve little, accept further divide the US and weaken US prestige abroad.

    Her campaign has shown the preparedness of her followers, with her endorsement, to indulge in the worst kind of electioneering. Her campaign has shown HC to have fierce ambition, ruthless political commitment, but little moral or inspirational principles.

    Her Presidency will be judged by how well she reaches out and addresses the concerns of her opponents, how she tackles reducing US debt, reassuring allies abroad, disengaging the US from Syria and concentrating on curtailing the over enthusiasm of her own supporters vengeance in victory.

    It’s an enormous task, and I don’t envy her in accepting a very poisoned chalice.

  4. Silent Running says:

    @ Mate Marco

    My first take is I find common ground and positions with your articulate description of the US election and the challenges we face.

    You are spot on in several areas though I do think you were a bit too harsh on Obama – he is a good dude elected into a broken and still racist nation. the obstructionism he faced has much to do with his short comings…so I defend him.

    Marco you describe H R C very well. She is a victim of her own self induced Arrogance and quest for power been running for President for close to 40 years or so. I wish she would have left the stage and took care of her grand child leave us alone. but who knows Epiphany’s can Happen she may over achieve for once!

    Most people over here think he would win in a landslide again if he could run again. His polls are showing 58 % approval by the public despite the anti truth bias of the american corporate media whose job is to disrupt all truth and progress so they can sell Ads.

    However you also said some things he got bad advice so thank you and you are right. He made some mistakes for sure.

    The BS about China is BS , we can neutralize them anytime we want. You Aussies should be worried they may just come there and take your coal and gas and Kangeroos – your lack of adequate defenses and over reliance on US like most of the World make you candidates to speak Chinese long long before us American s are forced to do it.

    We have the submarines and missiles to blast them back into the Rice Paddy Age any time we need to – that is reality.

    As capitalists we prostitute our so called freedoms / values so we can do business with them and feed the capitalistic monster machine as it gets hungry daily. The other countries do the same etc. The flawed human condition.

    We can take them down anytime and as a taxpayer I do agree with trumpster’ in that one area. Just the money part.

    America should cut back on subsidizing all these other economies.

    You are right about getting out of Syria bs we need to ignore the Middle East and let them do their religious war on their nickel or dime.
    That is one point the trumpster makes that resonates well with me. Time for countries to Man UP and Spend some money not ours on defending themselves.

    I like what you said about H Clinton – my take she is a compromiser whose has compromised the compromise so she will cut deals w GOP or there w be just f4 years of more Obstructionism

    Many of my friends would like to know just how has America let its so called money dependent allies down.

    Marco please elaborate specifics as right now that sounds like right wing talking points that we get all too much of from the corrupted media over here. Love to learn specifics.

    Our country wastes close to $ 800 Billion a year and that is only the formal accounting there are slush funds too on Defending the World from all these so called threats! threats to who ?

    Many of us Peace loving and decent Americans are tired of these heavy burdens. So Korea can afford to defend themselves as they build ( some of the handful being built nukes) and their Government finances these deals. Why cause the American sucker taxpayer is under writing their economy and defense.

    We are stupid in this regard. We hurt our own industry players . So explain please how Obama let down our so called co -dependent allies! ???

    But over all I like your tone and words thanks Aussie Mate

    The 64 K question is would the Honorable Aussie Mate have a choice vote if he were here ??? Who would that Choice Be ?

    Well said the Chalice is very Poisoned – Toxic times. I woul dnominate you for a interviews as a Foreign Observor for the election on CNN you enhance the discussion.


    • marcopolo says:


      I agree with you. Barack Obama is probably quite a decent, well intentioned individual, but he’s taken office at a time when the US needs an exceptional, outstanding, great President.

      Whether you like it or not, the domestic (North American) oil and gas resource boom has provided the US a rare opportunity to achieve economic and social reform.

      The US desperately needs to reduce it’s crippling national debt and recapitalize the US manufacturing sector to become once again competitive. The US also needs widespread and structural social reform, without disruptive damage to the economy.

      If the US squanders this opportunity, it will never come again. The rapidly expanding economies of nations such as India and the PRC will overtake the US economically and in influence.

      I’m a little alarmed by your vision of “bombing the PRC back to Paddy fields”, the US tried “bombing back to the Stone Age” another Asian nation, and that didn’t work our very well !

      The US has neither the political will or economic ability to conduct a major war with an opponent the size of the PRC. Such a war would be unrealistic.

      For the last decade, the US has been at war economically with the PRC, Russia and the EU. Of these, the PRC is by far the most aggressive and successful competitor. However, the PRC is not a serious military threat. If America continues to grow weaker, that situation could easily change as PRC nationalism begins to grow in confidence.

      It might interest you to know that Australia contributes more than it’s fair share to the US-Australia Alliance. The US also benefits enormously from it’s South Korean “pit bull” ally, whose military competence and loyalty to the US is beyond question.

      Economically and politically nations such as the S.Korea, ROC (Taiwan), Australia, Canada, UK and to a lesser extent Germany and Japan, are important US allies and assets. These allies counter-balance growing influence of the PRC, EU and an increasingly confident Russia.

      The failure of the US to adequately confront the PRC in South China Sea has provided an excuse for the newly elected Philippine President to flirt with ending the the 90 year relationship with the US and seeking an alliance with the PRC.

      (Although, after a couple of hours with President Rodrigo Duterte, President Xi Jinping must be regretting as that he attracts all the nutter’s like Kim Jong-un etc as potential allies :).)

      Australia isn’t really worried about losing coal and kangaroo’s to China, they’re already our biggest customer! Australia is worried about China replacing US prestige in the economic arena, since unlike the US, the ambitions and concepts of the PRC are incompatible with Australia. (although they don’t like to admit it, NZ should start valuing the US alliance little more or they will wake up one day to discover too late that it’s gone)!.

      Silent, alliances are a two way affair. The US may be the largest partner in the alliance, but that doesn’t mean the US is doing anyone a favour. The US also gains from it’s allies support. Would the US really like to pursue an isolationist policy? Would the US like to be alone in trying to cope with the emerging forces determined to make their place in the sun at America’s expense ?

      President Obama failed to adequately show US allies that he valued their support and instead preferred symbolic political popularity bought at the expense of his allies by sacrificing their interests to gain approval from the PRC leadership.

      The moment President Obama was delivered the news of the Philippine victory in the World Court, he should have issued a strong statement of support for the Philippines and ordered the Pacific Fleet to the South China Sea to visibly display American support. The US should have made much stronger representations in the UN,and even reinforced the Pacific fleet with other American units.

      The President, Vice-President or Secretary of State could have made a quick tour of regional allies with an emphasis on the Philippines.

      Instead by capitulating to the PRC, he gained nothing but the contempt of the PRC leadership, while decreasing the confidence of long standing allies in the value of allegiance to the US.

      His Paris “victory” may have gained showy applause, but will be remembered as all style and no substance.

      Divisive leaders can be effective as long as they are also great visionary reformers, with competent administrative skills. They don’t have to be popular, just determine to achieve structural reform for the benefit of the nation.

      The PRC had Deng Xiaoping, the UK, Margret Thatcher. From time to time, all nations need leaders who can reform, restructure and rebuild stagnant economies and political life.

      Perhaps it’s easier for a leader in a parliamentary system, since the responsibility is shared, and decision making is more easily questioned and debated by cabinet ministers who are directly elected by the voters.

      • Frank R. Eggers says:

        In general, I think that Obama has done as well as could be expected considering the problems he has had to face, many of which were inherited from the previous administration. Although I couldn’t prove it, I think that racism is part of the problem. Many racists will not admit that they are racists even while they are creating problems because they don’t like to see racial minorities in positions of authority.

        The former speaker of the house, John Boehner, actually stated that his number one priority was to make Obama fail; he did everything he could to attempt to make Obama fail. Moreover, that attitude was not limited to Boehner. I see that as treason. Those in the house and senate should be motivated by a desire to do what is right, what is fair, and what is best for the country, rather than to attempt to make a leader fail.

        Also, it is easy to judge the actions of others when we have less complete information than they have. Sometimes we might not disagree with their actions if we had all the facts. Other times they have had no choice but to make decisions even when it was impossible to know all the facts and all they could do was to make educated guesses some of which would inevitably be wrong. Sometimes things turn out badly, but we cannot be sure that things would have turned out any better if the opposite decisions had been made.

        That said, some things clearly were mistakes, such as the SECOND invasion of Iraq under president George II. The reason his father, George I, stopped before toppling Saddam Hussein, was that he had been advised that if we went into Iraq to that extent there would be no way to get out. The second invasion of Iraq, under George II, required withdrawing troops from Afghanistan thereby permitting the Taliban to regroup. Whether it was reasonable for Obama to become involved in Syria I don’t know. Things might have turned out as badly if he had made the opposite decision.

        Mrs. Clinton has been roundly criticized for her handling of emails. To some extent the criticism is justified, but it has been greatly overblown. Like many computer users, Mrs. Clinton was apparently rather naïve regarding computer security. But considering the importance of security, the federal agency in charge of computer security should have been monitoring computer users to be sure that security was adequately maintained. Obviously they failed to do so. Therefore, I would assign 50% of the blame to Mrs. Clinton and 50% of the blame to those in charge of computer security.

        To indicate how naïve some intelligent people are, a cousin of mine who is a medical doctor fell for a scam; he provided bank account information to a scammer resulting in identity theft. Where national security is important, government agencies in charge of security should not take chances and assume that all computer users will understand and follow all regulations.

        Then there is the matter of how the Americans United decision has affected politics. It is the fault of the voters that it is a problem, a fact which is not discussed. All Americans United has done is to permit corporations to spend unlimited funds on political campaigns. It has been more than amply demonstrated that spending more on political campaigns can change the outcome of elections. But why? If voters were rational and made good choices, there would be no advantage to spending more on political campaigns. However, even if it were possible to educate voters and make them rational, it would take too long. Therefore, we must find ways to undo the effects of Citizens United. Even so, we must be aware of where the actual fault lies, i.e., with the voters and not put all the blame on greedy corporations.

        • @ Marco – thank you for pointing out some specifics on why you say Obama let allies down.

          Some of it I see merit in and others well its a continuation of one reason we have to re structure our affairs more evenly in the interests of US tax payers an spend more of our resources investing in the US homeland. Obama did more good than bad.
          Marco my comment on bombing PRC back into rice Paddy land is not meant to be military hawk or destructive.

          It is just meant to drive home a point that we have the capability to destroy them completely , though I don’t think we would unleash all our power. I dont advocate wars like that so casually I think the Great Powers should be leading a coordinated war on global warming and energy transformation so that people around the world dont suffer more.

          Hopefully no nuclear nations will ever choose all out War .Of course that trumpster fella has said some alarming things in this area that speak volumes about his ignorance of things.
          I dont see how they the PRC could ever defeat us militarily. We have too many assets that would sink them in the Pacific if they mounted a massive operation.

          We have the resources and could rebuild our domestic industrial capacity and be just fine without all this global trade to a large degree. Jobs and Wages would go up.

          I believe in trade etc but all out Globalism is a death sentence for high standard of living countries. It needs to be more measured.

          It is all the little countries like the Phillipines that are still basket cases after all the years of Aid from us. Many Many others. As for their murdering President who is killing many innocent people in a war on drugs is another reason to question that maybe we need to let these third world countries swing on their own.

          Our military occupation there led to dictators and dependencies and they still seem to be divided and not democratic. Just maybe we should stop trying to export all this flawed democracy as we our selves are not doing such a good job at home . I am being fair and not a arrogant American.

          America’s corporations and their money interest in PRC drive the decisions that Obama has made . China is feeling their Oats etc and wants to expand into S China Sea.

          I dont know what if anything we can do about it. What about all these lil capitalist states that have our jobs now and we are stupid to import their stuff. Singapore, Vietnam , maybe Indonesia they need to show more will to invest in their defense like Australia does.

          But I am like many Americans we are tired of over reaching in so many places. All this Globalism was supposed to reduce the threats of war it would lead to peace as people would be improving their living standards so wars would not be in anyone’s interest.

          What has happened to that Globalist Siren Song ???

          I pointed out that So Korea is strong enough to build and finance nuclear power plants so they can take on more of their defense and I would pull out over half of the military we now have there. Put the savings into paying down our debt. Spend some money on American people who are hurting.

          You are right they are strong but can afford to be stronger. You listed the key countries we should remain strong allies with but we should stop over expanding Nato and subsidizing so many. We need allies like UK, Canada, Australia, yes New Zealand needs to grow up some, and Japan, S Korea and a few others yes but the tee totter has been more than 1 way for too long.

          Back to Obama thanks for saying something nice about him. He inherited terrible conditions like Frank said .

          Frank spoke to that better and he is right in what he says. things are real complicated and our political system over here is now broken and money has corrupted things so Good Policy that balances out all the complicated International Relations is a real challenge to formulate let alone implement.

          Obama can t go on TV and tell the truth about Saudi Arabia funding ISIS, Turkey buying the OIl, the Sunnis wanting to take over Western Iraq and merge with the Sunni area of Syria and make new country.

          He has to keep the big Charade game going !!! maybe these truths turn the hair so Grey!

          Our military needs the arms sale revenues, to Saudis as does France so all this ally over indulgences we have done make us enmeshed into local factions that are not all true Allies.
          We cant tell our people the truth of these maters fear of driving the paper allies into Russia arms lots of Fears.

          But we should be able to tell ourselves the Truth…but our leaders dont. this has led to some of trumpsters popularity perhaps.

          There is no winning formula yet the short term politics of US wants easy solutions. Microwave ready to implement fixes. Americans are conditioned to see the Stars and Stripes being raised on a Mtn top like in WW 2. We long for that elusive victory moment.

          In the wars we are now in there is No Victory that is clearly defined. fighting Ideologies is much more Challenging than toppling Nations.

          Obama got unfairly criticized by the right as they want bumper sticker slogans for their Moronic voters …

          Frank is right – Citizens United is a terrible court decision. It makes Ones votes not as meaningful as the Public wants. Wrong and bad.
          It shows to us that our so called Supreme Court is neither Supreme nor is it just a court. It is now Political and like the FBi leaks on these emails last week now our FBi is losing its Objectivity by over exploiting HRC sloppiness. I agree with Frank that she made mistakes and maybe is 50 % wrong. But she is not a crook . Most Progressives wanted a non establishment candidate but the fix was in for her – they system playing power politics.

          Hopefully on Tuesday enough votes go Clintons way and she gets the Senate back and they have the backbone to educate the American public and Citizens United is OVER TURNED along with some other needed Reforms.

          Frank you speak to these things real well.

          Obama will go down a great president and he has a 57 % popularity rating but listening to the right wing, the media and the trumpster one would think the Sky is Falling.

          Frank,John B and Mitch McConnell and 7 other congressmen and senators in a ACT of Treason as you said all met and conspired to find ways to Obstruct the President and try to make him a 1 term President.

          While he out lasted them and got 2 terms he never went on TV like I think he should have and done verbal combat with these white dogs and wanna be plantation owners who call them selves leaders. They failed America and our economy would have recovered better and bigger and faster if they had been Real Americans and worked with Obama.

          But they did not. He was too Statesman like to go public. Our revenue dependent media fails the american democracy system with its Complicity in all of this.

          So if we get some consensus w the election and HRC really decides to reform herself and loosen the grips of Wall st and Neo Liberalism on the American Government then maybe our vote Tuesday will not be wasted.

          The third party candidate Dr Jill Stein has some great ideas and a very touching human spirit but her party has no base in america and the Libertarians Johnson is a ill informed selfish libertarian with no clue on the international scene etc. His platform is out of touch with 95 % of America. He is just hype living off campaign donations. Sorta like a scam. A vote for either of them is a wasted vote i show I see it.

          As for Trumpster – no further comments needed. He is not fit to even run his own companies.

          Maybe a Parliamentary System like UK has as Marco said might be a better system for America . The impacts of technology, globalism, the international complexity’s all challenge our run for re election every 2 years system and spend billions to do it. It is counter productive constant election cycles. Not good.

          Marco lets hope that the Toxic Chalices HRC will face are supplemented by some Chalices with some decent Wine in them.

          But the GOP Gomers being obstructionist as they are they are going to go after her hard and furious I am sure. Already they are making anti clinton statements. So that proves our system is Now Broken.

          So we need to pull back from the World and get our own House in Order is my thing how far we pull back I am not a expert to say. But the Corporate and Military Industrial forces are Dominant and I dont know if the Tide can be Turned!???

          Last thought Marco,, Good for Aussies for buying 12 new German Submarines – that means you are serious about defending your Shores! Subs are designed for one major reason to sink ships- so perhaps Aussies will be part of the Turkey shoot of the PRC should it be needed?

          Perhaps Indeed!

          take care

  5. marcopolo says:


    Thank you for taking the time to compose such a long and thoughtful reply.

    Globalization has been avancing for more than 50 years and is irreversible, it’s now just a matter of who wins. Capital is completely globalized and no industrial economy can retreat back into isolation without immediate economic collapse.

    It’s not “treason” for an elected opposition to restrict legislation or frustrate the Presidents mandate, it’s a constitutional right, and duty ! It’s part of the checks and balances inserted in the constitution by the founding fathers.

    You seem to be confused about the role of the US Supreme Court. The Court only rules on interpretations of the Constitution in relation to legislation. It can’t propose or create law.

    It’s the duty of the elected representatives to either change law to comply with the Constitution, or go to the people with an amendment and change the Constitution.

    Citizens United may not be a decision you like, but from a legal stand point it’s the only valid decision. The legislature is free to propose a Constitutional amendment and would do so if they felt they possessed sufficient public support. (They haven’t so they won’t).

    There can be no military victory over a nation of 1.5 billion. The days of the Boxer rebellion are long since over ! (My ancestors enthusiastically took part in suppressing both the Boxer rebellion, and both Opium wars, emerging a good deal wealthier than just doing their duty!)

    Action to contain the expansion of the PRC must be resolute, but also finely timed and calculated. A humiliated PRC would only encourage more nationalistic fervor.

    I agree that the list of US candidates for President is pretty dismal. At least Obama and McCain were good and decent men whom if elected could be counted on to be inclusive and competent.

    The present field seem to be a mixture of the mad and bad ! Each candidate is deeply flawed and incapable of providing the kind of leadership the US desperately needs. The best that can be said of Hillary Clinton, is she is marginally the best of a bad lot.

    The advantage of the Westminster system of Constitutional Monarchy,is when the leader becomes unacceptable, they can be removed without destroying the government or it’s mandate.

    No system is perfect, but whether the US likes it or not, it remains the “leader of the free world” and must behave with wisdom and courage.

    For years, the US has been hampered by energy costs and certainty of supply. Finally, the US has been blessed by a brief window of opportunity and freedom created by abundant domestic (North American) supply.

    The US can’t afford to squander this opportunity. The US must seize this chance to eliminate the cancer of national debt, restructure US industry, reform US society and the economy to prepare for the long economic and trade war that has already begun.

    If this opportunity is wasted on impractical ideological squabbles, the US will find itself in national and economic , decay with few reliable allies and no chance of resurrection.

    I have great faith in the US, but very little in Hillary Clinton.

  6. Silent Running says:

    Yo Marco, thank you for your detailed list of points. some good ones.

    Lets clarify – I never said All Globalization is bad and it should be stopped .

    Rather I point out in my sarcastic manner that it is not the Golden Goose that was presented as a Great Feast. Yes we need some trade but it is not the End All and Be all of our Economy like its High priests and Cheerleaders ex toll us to blindly follow and listen to their Siren Songs !

    It needs to be better managed and the US should work from positions of power and balance in respect to its domestic industries. Germany has pulled this off with VAT taxes etc and they have maintained high standard of living while exporting more finished goods. Our corrupted by money politicians need to learn from them and reign in our Corporations. and I hope Britain post Brexit begins to balance things out for their good people. ( The UK is my favorite country for their great contributions to humanity over the decades etc. )

    Marco your kind and balanced assessment of the HRC I call her the Anointed One – self anointed for many reasons. You are Spot On in your analysis and position. My circle would find strong Common Ground with what you said.

    The American people need to re engage with politic s at the grass roots level and all the way up the chain and try to reclaim some of the finer points of our system as the current system is breaking down and not serving our goals or future well. That is how you get better candidates.

    Yes America has a good opportunity to capitalize on our abundant energy resources. We should use it to reclaim certain types of manufacturing and bring it back to the states. Our natural gas prices can make a competitive advantage for certain energy intensive sectors. So bring it home and some higher paying jobs will result etc.
    Between increased oil supply and increasing fuel mileage standards ( thanks to Wise Obama despite obstruction from the Gomers ) has created a good situation where our fleet averages are moving higher and even pickup trucks w mid sized V 8 ‘s can get 28 mpg doing 75 on the freeway. I have a friend with a nice Chevy with a sequential V 8* getting close to 30 miles to gallon so that trend will only extend our supplies.

    In a few years once gas prices climb as they will E V sales will increase and the transition begins at a faster rate.

    When prices rise as they will for oil / gas here due to Exporting fuel now. The export of fuel is the greatest threat to our window being either short or long. I think we can sell some gas to Mexico for awhile but excess LNG exports are not really in the best interests of our nations economy and global position. You Aussies have major market share there as does Russia.

    Same for oil- the pipeline issues here are driven by the public s awareness that most of our Baaken oil is destined to be exported and sold at higher prices to Europe or the China man. People resent this given the environmental damages being done with excessive fracking and the excess being exported and not impacting lower gasoline prices. Resentment issue building Marco.

    Marco note I always say Excessive – that is the code word. finding some balance point that works long term for US. The other threat is that Shale gas and oil has high depletion rates so we should see a supply drop off in 2030 or sooner. Oil mos likely will drop off before gas. As noted earlier the laws of diminishing returns is going to curtail excessive drilling activity in the future. Excessive code word.

    As for the US, We don’t need the world as much as the World needs us. We got the surplus food that everyone wants and needs. So I frame my positions with the Wisdom from the Book called Limits of Power – many of our Government Professionals are beginning to take notice of the new realities that there are Limits to Power. Many things are beyond a super Powers control. One can influence but not dominate unless one makes major major commitment and then there is BLOW BACK – and that now freaks people out. ISIS is Blow-back to the misguided Bush Cabal of Neo cons lusts for power and reckless Wars and the Blow back scares the Hell out of Americans.

    America is beginning to realize we should re tool our foreign entanglements. The Victory moments are gone as I said. We need to re direct significant Billions back into the Homeland and get stronger Intrinsically.

    A growing segment of the public wants us to back off some what and I definitely feel the same. Let some of the world sort out its issues. It is not life or death and we dont have to fret about every tin horn dictator – we cant control everything as there are limits to Power. Natural Limits.

    We cant shape the outcomes in every damn place – the price it too high and the Resolution will remain Quite Elusive ! going Forward!

    Its reality. Over $ 3 trillion Plus in Iraq and Afghanistan and not good results. Another half a Trillion will be spent on medical care for veterans etc. That is a conservative estimate.

    The Military Industrial Complex and foolish wars are what are driving the big budget deficits. Those resources are in need of re direction into our domestic economy.

    In respect to the congress obstructing Obama as negatively as they did. well I take issue with your position and reject it Out right.

    Same with Supreme Court. We need justice and not use the court for blatant political reasons. Again Sir your position is not in alignment with the general public.

    Ditto on the Citizens United that Frank talked about. That is a flawed decision and the polls show around 76 to 80 5 of public wants that rule over turned.
    It is beyond the Pale to position that corporations are people and have certain rights.

    Period end of Story.

    the so called Founders of America the guys who wrote Constitution etc, rebelled against the King and his Corporate monopolies and if they came out of the grave and saw what has happened in this area they would melt. The very systems we rebelled against – we have allowed excessive money to corrupt and enable the Corporation to exercise excessive influence over daily lifes. Way out of line with the foundation of this country. We have become what we Rebelled against.

    So we will just agree to disagree on the Supreme court and Citizens United.

    America needs to go on a Foreign Policy re adjustment. For financial reasons.

    Russia s lone aging small aircraft carrier barely can keep its engines going. It is on its way to Syria and it has to be towed by Tugs!

    China man has a 30 plus year Russian Hull that is being modernized into a Aircraft carrier and it will be some years before they have two newer ones.

    I fail to see the serious of their threats to us. Cyber warfare is the next Horizon not legions of tanks and ships. We still need some but warfare and technology have had a major convergence.

    We dont need to spend precious capital over protecting all those SE Asia economies. Now if they will pay us a handsome Sum and our leaders get a good payment level that gets off set in our taxes then the public may buy in. But given the lack of good jobs in america, the student debt load, the un met medical care issue and deteriorating infrastructure , roads, bridges, sewer and water plants and schools the majority of Americans want more of their hard earned money SPENT at Home. The Elites dont like it Obama does not like it that support for his TPP is weak and while he thinks more trade in SE Asia helps us out and boxes China Man out , the general public and many both Republicon and Democrat congress members Dont support it.

    Those that vote for it will be doing Word Salad tango Dances before their constituents as they will be confronted . A yes vote now may mean voted out of office in 2018.

    The BREXIT vote is the Tip of rebellion against the Elites and the tone in the US is similar now.

    The congressman who met on the Inaugural Night and vowed to obstruct Obama etc. committed treason as they hurt America and more suffering that was unneeded. Much suffering occurred as a result of their myopic extreme partisanship. It was BS and wrong not Patriotic at All!

    The gomers excesses has fueled the Raging Fires and flames of Division in the US.

    We shall see – BTW Marco the President of Philippines announced that there will be NO NUKES built in Philippines until more safety studies are done some time in the future nothing near term at all. so there you go.

    They ended up suing Westinghouse many years ago on the 1 nuke they started to build but cancelled in mid stream at some economic loss too.

    Perhaps there is a consulting and nuclear educational opportunity for you and Lawrence C over there.

    As for voting I seek out those that align with the positions stated.

    be glad to see trumper leave the stage …What a buffoon he is.

    take care Mates