Building-Integrated PV: It’s Happening Now

Building-Integrated PV: It's Happening Now

The subject of building-integrated solar PV (BIPV) is not new, and some version will almost definitely become popular soon, especially in places like California that have net-zero energy consumption requirements for new construction.  However, it’s possible that things might have limped along for sometime, were it not for Elon Musk, who’s jumping right in.  As we’ve all seen, things really get rocking when Musk gets involved–and apparently, that’s exactly what’s happening, as shown in the video linked here.

Someone asked me the other day what I thought about the entrepreneur of the millennium’s behind-the-meter energy storage device, apparently to be sold through SolarCity.  My reply: Anyone who bets against Musk is an idiot.


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2 comments on “Building-Integrated PV: It’s Happening Now
  1. Frank R. Eggers says:

    The argument “It’s happening now” is often used to support a program. I do not see that as persuasive whether the subject is the economy, the environment, energy, or just about anything. Something may appear to be happening but stop either before it gets very far or when it appears to be almost completed. Or, what is happening may be undesirable in which case it should be halted.

    • craigshields says:

      Point taken. I just like to encourage people, especially when there is real evidence of good news.