Some Readers Support Trump, Though They’re Probably Few in Number

Some Readers Support Trump, Though They're Probably Few in NumberIn response to my post U.S. Presidential Election Could Signal the End of Hope for the Environment, frequent commenter and long-time reader Larry Lemmert writes:

Some of us would rather risk the flames of Hell or global warming rather than see Hillary and her cartel of thieves run the country into the ground.

It is not an easy choice with these two options. The Donald may also lead us over the precipice but I think he is less of a liar and less connected to the establishment politicians who have been lining their pockets with our tax dollars.

Larry, I understand where you are coming from, and needless to say, you’re not alone.  There is no doubt that Trump is less connected to the political elite, and I grant that this is a good thing on balance.

In terms of lying, however, I urge you to check this out.

You should also be concerned about:

  • The fact that the US is now the laughing stock of the world, due to Trump’s candidacy and lack of qualifications for the job.  Of particular concern are his positions on Latinos and Muslims, not to mention women
  • Economic policies that are virtually certain to send the US into a tailspin
  • Nuclear weapons proliferation
  • Use of torture
  • Demagoguery, exploiting fear, hatred, and racist sentiments

It’s hard to imagine that this is a better course for the U.S. than Clinton, even given the baggage that she brings with her.

And of course, we have the original point, i.e., the environment, and the fact that a Trump presidency (if he does what he says he’ll do) will virtually doom the planet to untold destruction.

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6 comments on “Some Readers Support Trump, Though They’re Probably Few in Number
  1. Larry Lemmert says:

    Craig, much of your talking points against Trump are taken from his ill conceived words that indicate a lack of polish and a lack of political savy. He cites specific instances of problems but uses generalities which get him into trouble big time. He apologizes but the original comments get baked into the cake. I don’t think he hates Latinos but some of his words could be construed that way if taken out of context. Hillary on the other hand not only says nasty things, she is caught red handed doing things that enrich her at the expense of the tax payer.

  2. Frank R. Eggers says:

    Trump’s “… ill conceived words that indicate a lack of polish… ” indicate a degree of impulsive behavior, lack of restraint, and lack of self-discipline which would be exceedingly dangerous if he were in a position of power and influence.

  3. Gary Tulie says:

    It is starting to look to me as if there are parallels between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler in their attitudes to “The Big Lie” I.e. tell whoppers frequently, forcefully, and consistently, and people begin to believe you. This is a very dangerous propaganda tool in the hands of those with totalitarian tendencies, and could cause no end of trouble.

    I am not saying he is as bad as Alolph Hitler, there is no plan for a final solution to the Mexican problem, or any such horror, but just the willingness to constantly lie – even in the face or readily available contradictory evidence is bad enough.

    • craigshields says:

      This is EXACTLY the way I see it.

      As a Brit, you may be wondering what happened to the U.S. I wish I could tell you.

  4. Silent Running says:

    To All what happened to us AMERICANS IS WE TOOK THAT AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM CONCEPT beyond reality perhaps! Maybe it is or was a Myth after all!

    I live near the border and interact with Latin and So American residents and they all ask me what happened ?

    They wonder what we see in the trumpster besides Folly, Anger, Fear and Division and Craziness.

    Lots of Big LIES too!

    I ordered some Toxic Engraved Chalices so I can toast everyone in the Wee hours of the night as we cross the Rubicon. I don’t think the trumper will leave the Stage Graciously and will form some sort of Alternative Cult TV Show to attack and subvert government. My call .