From Guest Blogger Bobbi Peterson: Six Ways Renewable Energy Can Save You Money

Six Ways Renewable Energy Can Save You MoneyRenewable energy isn’t just a smart decision for the planet — it’s also an intelligent option to help you save some dollars in your own household. Transitioning to renewable sources of power also isn’t as hard you might first imagine it to be. In fact, as more advancements are made, the possibilities and methods of making that transition become more varied and accessible.

Here are six ways you can start to make the move toward more sustainable forms of energy at home and save some money.

  1. Wind Turbines

When you think wind turbines, the large-scale wind farms are probably what comes to mind. However, there are smaller options for at home, too. While it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing option for your home or real estate property, if you have the option of installing this type of energy source, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. A small wind turbine can generate most of your power needs and is more stable than solar power.

  1. Tesla Roof Tiles + Powerwall

One of the most exciting developments in renewable energy recently is the introduction of new glass solar tiles that Tesla unveiled last month. They are virtually indestructible, produce the same outcome of traditional solar panels and also look like normal roof tiles. On top of that, their lifespan is up there with the 100-year metal roof options, and you can choose from several designs.

As if that wasn’t enough to get you thinking about solar power, the new panels plug directly into Tesla’s Powerwall, which is a rechargeable battery that is smart and programmed to store energy created from the solar panels or pull directly from the grid if necessary. It can switch back and forth depending on the prices of electricity, ultimately saving you money. The only question remaining for Tesla’s newest innovation is how much those tiles will cost in respect to traditional solar panels.

  1. Rooftop Solar Panels

While maybe not as pretty as the Tesla tiles, traditional solar panels are still a great way to transition your household to renewable power to help pad that bank account. They can be placed directly on your roof, and if you have the square footage available, they can easily produce the kilowatt of power the average household needs to function.

If you’re worried about the cost of installation, don’t forget there are federal tax credits and local rebates depending on where you live.

  1. Hydropower

A less conventional option on the list, this form of renewable energy is only possible if you live close to a source of naturally flowing water, such as a stream or river. However, if this happens to be a possibility for your household, you should absolutely take advantage of the natural power at your fingertips. Setting up a hydropower generator will give you access to a continuous source of energy that doesn’t have the same gaps as wind or solar at a constant input regardless of weather.

  1. Solar Water Heating

If you want to get more specific with where you save energy, you can also concentrate on the areas of your house that are the biggest energy users — therefore making them the most expensive. You can set up a solar-powered water heater that will help you save on your heating bill during the winter months, and use less electricity to heat water you use for washing in your home.

They are easier to install than the full-solar panel option on your roof, so if you can only manage a small transition to renewable power sources, this may be a great place to start.

  1. Solar Air Conditioning

You can also apply the same principle to the cooling system in your house as well. If you live in a constantly warm climate like the southwest of the country, you are constantly running your air conditioning. With a solar cooling system, you can use the stored hot water from your heated water. This is especially useful because home cooling systems are the biggest energy users in the average home. You can save money by using this method and help out the environment.

Whatever method or option you decide to you use inside your home, it’s important to remember renewable energy is a smart decision for your pocketbook and our planet. If you’re still in doubt, there is research to support the benefits of sustainable power.

In fact, this year Australia’s government released a report based on how much the country would save if they transitioned to 100% renewable energy by 2050. The result? About $90 billion. That’s a pretty hefty savings. Why shouldn’t you have the option to save as well?

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