“Breakthrough” in Solar PV Is Bogus

"Breakthrough" in Solar PV Is BogusHave you noticed that some of your friends on Facebook lack skills in basic math and science?

Here’s a post I just saw on a new solar energy device that claims to generate 20 times more electricity than flat PV panels.

The problem?  PV is more than 20% efficient. So this thing is more than 400% efficient?

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11 comments on ““Breakthrough” in Solar PV Is Bogus
  1. Frank R. Eggers says:


    You’re right. Many people, who are otherwise well educated, have never taken a course in physics and have no understanding of it. I wonder whether there is a book which one could recommend to fill in that rather serious knowledge gap. Such a book should not require calculus to understand, although probably at least elementary trigonometry and intermediate algebra would be required.

    There are people who think that they have a good liberal and well-rounded education, but yet they have no knowledge of science. As I see it, it is impossible to be well educated and lack a basic knowledge of science.

  2. Frank R. Eggers says:

    I am reminded of an advertisement I saw in the J. C. Whitney autocrats catalogue. It was for a special distributor cap which would greatly increase power and fuel efficiency. The advertisement explained that there were two kinds of electricity: current and voltage. The special distributor cap sent voltage to the spark plugs when they were suppose to fire, and current to all the other spark plugs. Sending current to the other spark plugs was suppose to prepare the fuel to burn more efficiently.

    Now, in many places, there are advertisements for something to prevent hard water problems. You simply place it around the water pipe where it enters the house. It is suppose to prevent all hard water deposits.

    Another device being advertised fits around a car’s fuel line. I don’t remember all the benefits which it is supposed to convey.

    Then there are the quack medical practitioners; I won’t even get into that.

    This sort of rubbish would not be made and advertised if more people had a better knowledge of science.

  3. marcopolo says:


    You wait ’til you see my handy-dandy, dial-a-matic, solid state,touch-o-magic, fully recyclable, fuly rechargeable, executive sponge sharpener, available in 18 different colours. For this offer only, it comes with a ‘Limited Edition ‘carry case.

    With this ultra modern device, you never have to suffer the embarrassment of blunt sponges again. you owe it to your family to buy at least three !

    But wait, there’s more …..

    • Frank R. Eggers says:


      You forgot about the importance of replacing the muffler belt regularly. And, when you change the oil, don’t forget to change the air in the tires (tyres).

  4. Lawrence Coomber says:


    Craig dont be so hasty and dismissive of this revelation please.

    This may just be the urgent breakthrough in solar PV energy dense generation that we have been all patiently waiting for to eliminate US climate changing.

    Hell – who knows with a few minor refinements it might even work well in Asian and African countries also to eliminate their climate changing.

    Don’t pay any attention to Marco Polos super machine though – thats a beat up for sure.


    Lawrence Coomber

    • craigshields says:

      I don’t pay too much attention to ideas that violate the laws of physics. You shouldn’t either.

      • marcopolo says:


        Oh,laws of physics are not so inviolate ! Look at urban house prices, what goes up never comes down :).

  5. marcopolo says:


    Beat up !! Beat up ?? You wouldn’t be saying that when the rest of us are freedom and liberty on our survival camps, while the rest of you perish from the inadequacy of your sponges !

    We’re forming an emergency committee to deal with un-American types like you, trying the prevert our way of life and sapping our precious bodily fluids, why only last week Brig-Gen. Ripper reported that Elvis was standing by ready to help from his estate on the Dark side of the moon, when…….

  6. Lawrence Coomber says:

    Marcopolo your blasphemy has no boundaries.

    Not only do you deny climate change exists, even worse you deny the existence of Elvis.

    I know Elvis – we are very close.

    I have had two close encounters with Elvis during my life. The most recent one being in May 2016 when he officiated at my “re-marriage” ceremony to my beautiful wife of 37 years Gabriella at the Little White Chapel in Vegas. And the previous encounter was in Honolulu in 1973 when I was serving on exchange from the Royal Australian Navy with the USN at pearl Harbour.

    Surprisingly when I mentioned our earlier encounter in Honolulu in Vegas earlier this year, he said he remembered me! That’s amazing seeing that he drove past me in his limo at about 100 mph and I was about 300 yards away from the roadside????

    So not only is he a fabulous entertainer, he has great eyesight and a memory like an elephant, and he also believes in climate change.

    So you can say what you want about climate change Marcopolo, but ease up on Elvis please. My feelings are very easily hurt.


    Lawrence Coomber

  7. marcopolo says:


    Oh you are indeed most fortunate to have meet one of the only four Elvis clones that survived.

    That project was doing very well until some damn limey in a tuxedo and an Aston Martin showed up and while being taken on an inspection tour, went crazy an blew the whole damn island up !

    I’m still trying to sort out the insurance claim…….