Criticize Trump At Your Peril


Criticize Trump At Your PerilFrom this article: Last week the CEO of Boeing had the gall to come out and criticize Trump’s stance on China in his recent rhetoric, in the meekest possible terms, noting that Boeing sold more aircraft to China than they did in the US. Trump went into instant Twitter snit mode, complaining (and lying) about the cost of the government contract with Boeing for new Air Force Ones, and threatened to cancel it. Boeing stock took a dive then recovered the same day.

And from this one:  The president-elect is once again spending his time worrying about the truly important things affecting the fate of our nation. Like a bad restaurant review. Yes, after Vanity Fair ran a review titled “Trump Grill Could Be the Worst Restaurant in America,” Trump had a predictable response, a response the staff of Vanity Fair probably had some kind of betting pool on—not on whether it would happen, but on how long it would take and perhaps specific things it would say.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump tweeted:  Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of @VanityFair Magazine. Way down, big trouble, dead! Graydon Carter, no talent, will be out!

Anyone who’s even vaguely critical of Trump and has no fear of instant and severe retaliation is a complete idiot.


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6 comments on “Criticize Trump At Your Peril
  1. marcopolo says:


    Yep, he’s not exactly the kind of controlled, spin doctored, focus group, carefully image conscious kind of politician we’ve grown to expect.

    He’s introduced new political rules, his rules ! He doesn’t play by the Washington rules, or for that matter any known rules, he seems to make them up as he goes along!.

    However, I’m not sure his lack of kowtowing to the Peoples Republic will prove unpopular.

    President Obama’s acquiesce to a demand by the PRC’s demand not to allow the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Ms Tsai Ing-wen to speak to the President-elect, or allow her transit through US airspace when traveling to Guatemala, symbolized and solidified to everyone outside Obama’s circle of admirers , his willingness to interfere with the weak, while appeasing the strong.

    In contrast, many Americans must have been secretly delighted by Trumps remark that he will speak to whom he chooses and only America will decide who can land in the US.

    He may be seen by some a undiplomatic, but maybe America has been “diplomatic” too long ! Sooner or later, the US will have no choice but to stand up to an increasingly aggressive and nationalistic PRC.

    Letting the Dragon eat your old friends won’t stop it growing and one day eating you! It seems there is a group around President Obama consumed with self loathing who would delight in seeing the US (and west) submissive to the PRC.

    But hey, a thought just occurred. If, as you say, the Republicans and the newly elected President are mere corrupt puppets of a corporate America, how do you explain Trump’s reaction to Boeing ?

    (on the other hand, it might have been better if he’d never discovered Twitter! 🙂

    • craigshields says:

      Trump’s reaction to Boeing is just another example of his uncontrollable temper tantrums stemming from narcissism and micro-thin skin. He literally cannot manage a sane, graceful reaction to even the mildest criticism.

      His position as leader of the free world is easily the biggest catastrophe that we’ve encountered in our 200K years as a species. I predict that his lack of humanity, decency, tact, compassion, and interest in the common people of Earth is going to make the Spanish Inquisition look like a frat party. Hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see evidence to suggest that.

      You don’t need to waste your time commenting once again that this is hyperbolic language. I see that coming.

      • marcopolo says:


        Good Grief, get a grip ! You sound like an over excited undergraduate at a frat party !

        The twentieth century saw some truly monstrous individuals, men who slaughtered millions and preached some real evil.

        Donald Trumps tweets hardly qualify. In fact his angry out bursts are quite mild in comparison to the rantings of past Presidents.

        Tweeting isn’t perhaps the best means of communicating, but that the world in which we now live.

        There’s no denying Donald Trump is a very different President, but maybe he’s the product of a different era. It must be shocking for some Americans to discover a President says in public, what others only dared to say in well secured privacy.

        In a peculiar sort of way, he’s a true “man of the people “, or more exactly what the “people” aspire to be. He breaks all the rules and stereotypes. The image of a construction worker in a $5000 dollars suit. A guy who can laugh at himself and delights in shocking the politically correct and self important.

        He’s a guy who if attacked, responds. For years the media has terrorized US political leaders who found themselves living in a goldfish bowl not daring to make the smallest slip, that may damage their carefully constructed “image”.

        Trump shrewdly crafted his image to be they guy who doesn’t give a damn. The rage and impotence of his detractors, only highlights their inability to hurt him. He no longer fears the absurd hyperbole of media commentators like yourself.

        All the wild exaggerations and self-important outrage only increases his support and popularity. That’s the danger of indulging in hyperbole, Joe Public becomes inured and stops listening.

        The more you rage, the more you increase his popularity and the more credibility you lose.

        Maybe what you really hate is Trump represents the real America, not the America of your idealized, Disneyfied dream.

        The history of America reveals only a rare examples of humanity, decency, tact, compassion, or moral courage. (That’s true of all nations). The advent of mass media allowed America to sell itself an illusion.

        I think the true genius of Trump is his ability to turn otherwise thoughtful, respected, intelligent commentators into rabid protagonists ranting wildly exaggerated, hyperbolic abuse.

        When nothing very bad occurs, the stock market doesn’t collapse, the nation doesn’t descend into civil war and anarchy, when no millions, thousands or even tens of Americans emigrate to flee the election of Trump eventuates, it’s not Trump whose reputation suffers.

        Millions of Americans who have been taught by the left wing press to hate corporate America are now baffled by the sight of those same commentators attacking Donald Trump for castigating a giant corporation.

        I would suggest that the President-elect is not displaying an “example of uncontrollable temper tantrums stemming from narcissism and micro-thin skin “, but part of a life-long strategy to keep his opponents of balance while increasing his popularity.

  2. Silent Running says:

    @ Marco

    Aussie Mate most of what you said was like I say Inconvenient truths. the part about Obama trying to Appease the strong and over restrict the weak. Some of that Resonates well.

    I like that and think there is Truth and Big Obama mistake. Like Red Line in Syria that melted . I was and still am Obama supporter but I also try to be Objective and he made mistakes – lack of experience.
    Just because you are a Harvard lawyer does not make one a Worldy ready person and his lack of real world work caught up with him more than once the past 8 years.

    It does not matter anymore soon trumpet will have to deal with all this on his very own surrounded by his mixed lot of Corporate vultures, Empty Suits and right wing types some over the hill lackeys ; they soon will have to deal and sort thru with all these issues and find out that Slogans are like guns that dont shoot!

    Its Show Time for them we shall see.

    Marco I think you also make a decent point about many Americans liking trumpers confrontational style – Americans never shed the false narratives of the John Wayne fiercely independent Cowboy ! Image of lets show how Tough we are etc etc.

    That false Narrative is still with us today and is part of Trumper s popularity.

    In contrast most Americans did not truly appreciate the lofty style of Obama and his Intellect. He tried a softer approach which is not bad but it takes cooperation and the Right wing Narrative plays long and repetitively in the US so people revert back to Strong man tactics to appease the Minions. Good crowd control.

    Many SE Asia countries need to build up their defense or the Dragon may get them. They cant remain over dependent on sugar daddy USA as Americans are tired of paying for all these countries economic and social improvements while we rot from within over here.

    So you send your Dragon talk to all your neighbors and Aussies too. Time to Man Up over there !

    America really helped Taiwan all thru 1950 thru 1970’s then we got in bed due to ( MONEY LOVE OF MONEY Corporate Interests ) with the PRC and we have been abandoning the Taiwan Island people who were loyal to us for years. So much for money driven Values. We should treat both the same and command some respect. But I am a traditionalist in these matters . Times passed me by….

    Trumps appeal to his crowd thru Twitter is a real Brand for sure he got something there his Toy! lets see how far it goes ????

    I like some of your analysis on this one

  3. marcopolo says:


    It’s true that with the exception of South Korea most US allies have relied upon the might of the US military to defend themselves.

    It wasn’t hard when for most of that time since most western nations could see no viable threat.

    For the last 15 years it’s become increasingly obvious that a showdown is imminent between the US and the PRC. So far in the skirmishing the US has been losing.

    Maybe An unpredictable US leader might make US rivals rethink the wisdom of playing international brinkmanship.

  4. Silent Running says:

    @ Marco Good Morning to you over there its cold and windy here but have my headlights On

    yes I see a storm brewing in SE Asia.

    You are so Right about S Korea standing Tall . Good people .

    Aussies were smart to order 9 or 12 German conventional subs. A good cost effective way to defend your country if a fleet shows up. Subs are cost effective line of defense, the trumper may be the different type of leader that we have not had So the different countries may take time to see the change in attitude .

    lets see what happens Its easy to cast stones at trumper etc. but he may be cooking up a different plan for US a change in policy.

    Interesting Times over there. India sure is building up its Naval Air capability.

    Holiday times