The 21st Century Can Be Dominated By Technology–Or Catastrophe

The 21st Century Can Be Dominated By Technology--Or CatastropheHere’s a short and entertaining video that serves as a wonderful reminder of how far we’ve come in terms of technology.

Robotics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence (along with cleantech), are going to dominate the world of the 21st Century.  Autonomous transportation is the most visible example today; it’s huge in and of itself, but it’s really just the beginning.

Sadly, all this could be set asunder by the current direction world politics is headed: fascism, nuclear war, the continued aggression of certain countries, xenophobia, and/or the breakdown of international law. In other words, either fire or ice.  We also have to understand that environmental catastrophes are going to become commonplace, e.g., droughts, refugees forced to evacuate due to sea-level rise, famines/starvation, wildfires, and floods. Of course, the two are closely associated; scarcity of resources is the usual (only?) cause of war.

We need sanity and compassion in world government;  it’s alarming to see these commodities in such short supply.

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