What Happens When We Appoint the Worst Possible People to the Most Powerful Positions on Earth? We’ll Find Out Soon

What Happens When We Appoint the Worst Possible People to the Most Powerful Positions in the Country? We'll Find Out Soon With each successive cabinet nomination, it becomes increasingly clear how much damage the incoming administration is going to inflict on government departments on which 330 million people depend to add various forms of value to their lives–justice, environmental safety, health, financial stability, education, etc.  Albeit a disaster for our nation, and for the rest of humankind as well, I’ve often tried to poke fun at all this, because, if you discount the tragedy, it really is so absurd that it’s funny as the devil.  

Unfortunately, there is a limit to my capacity to add humor here, due to my meager ability in comedy, which is why occasionally I post cartoons from the enormously hilarious people of the world. Check this one out:




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2 comments on “What Happens When We Appoint the Worst Possible People to the Most Powerful Positions on Earth? We’ll Find Out Soon
  1. Breath on the WInd says:

    Here is an interesting article from a few months ago that tends to agree with you. http://www.salon.com/2016/05/21/we_beat_donald_trump_by_mocking_donald_trump_what_bill_maher_and_barack_obama_understand_about_whipping_a_bully/

    The comparisons to Andrew Johnson are interesting as are the predictions for the cabinet.

    • marcopolo says:


      The problem with deriding and mocking politicians you don’t like, is you also offend the supporters and their grievances.

      After a while, the effectiveness of mockery wears thin, but the anger and resentment continues to smolder among those who perceived themselves to be the target of the mockery.

      When your cite article was written, the author was confidant of a Democrat victory. It’s conjecture, but I wonder how much of the Trump victory was attributed to resentment of excessive mockery which became simple vilification ?