Trump Administration Provides Fodder for Discussion Inside American Families

Trump Administration Provides Fodder for Discussion Inside American FamiliesMy mother and I have a running dialog that I’ll bet is taking places in millions of families in the U.S., and probably all over the world.  It goes like this:

Son (or Daughter): The Trump presidency is a nightmare in dozens, if not hundreds of arenas, but none more obvious and heartbreaking than …. (fill in the blank – for me, it’s environmental issues). 

Mom (or Dad): Why don’t you give him a chance?  He hasn’t done anything yet.

Part of this discussion turns on the definition of the word “done.” In some people’s minds (like mine), packing one’s cabinet with climate deniers, oil company CEOs, and sworn opponents of environmental regulations is actually “doing” something.

I would also suggest that this above point is already moot, given the results of Mr. Trump’s first few days in office.  Yesterday, he signed two executive actions to advance construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, two projects blocked by the Obama administration. I’m pretty sure that’s “doing something.”

If anyone has a legitimate reason to believe that the Trump Administration will not represent a four-year, 24/7 full frontal attack on the environment, I’d sure like to hear it.

Last comment: Forgive me for sounding maudlin, but there is something breathtakingly beautiful about the photo above, taken last year just a few days before the Obama Administration put a halt to the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, featuring a young Native American girl staring down a policeman.  That’s some of the most ferocious intention and purpose I’ve ever seen.  If you don’t feel the passion in this one, you’re made of stone.

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7 comments on “Trump Administration Provides Fodder for Discussion Inside American Families
  1. Frank R. Eggers says:

    Craig, you wrote:

    “If anyone has a legitimate reason to believe that the Trump Administration will not represent a four-year, 24/7 full frontal attack on the environment, I’d sure like to hear it.”

    Here is a possible reason. Although I cannot quantify it, there is a significant probability that old MacDonald Trumpet will be impeached in less than four years. He may fail to divest himself of business interests, both foreign and domestic, which could result conflicts of interests. Some of his past business dealings could be found to be fraudulent. He may violate security regulations. No doubt others could extend the list.

    If it does its duty, Congress could reign him in on many domestic matters, but perhaps not in foreign relations. Thus, it is possible that he could embroil us in wars more destructive than we have recently seen. He is highly unpredictable.

    • craigshields says:

      You’re 100% correct; I forgot to mention that.

    • marcopolo says:


      Or then again, he may do none of those things and serve his full term. The likelihood of impeachment is remote, especially with a sympathetic Senate.

  2. marcopolo says:


    You are right, the photo is very emotive(especially to me) and it’s good to see young people politically active and passionately involved in environmental issues.

    However, there are a some issues to be considered,

    1) The young demonstrator is lucky to be protesting in a nation with such retrained authority. It would take a great deal more courage to confront a member of the PRC Security Forces !.

    2) Students, are students because they have much to learn.

    3) The Policeman is simply doing his job. His job is difficult enough without putting up with abuse from young brats, taunting him.

    4) What evidence do you have that the young women is Native American ?

    Pipelines are a more environmentally safe method of transporting oil and gas than rail. The idea that by stopping pipelines you prevent the use of oil or gas has no basis in reality.

    Obama greatest act of cynical political cowardice was to vacillate over sending requested US Marshals to handle the protest, instead leaving a poorly equipped tiny local police force to keep the peace.

    It will be a test of Trump’s fitness for office as to how he handles the outcome of his decision. This is also the test for the forces ranged against his Presidency.

    ( But I do agree the picture is very emotive,… )

  3. Silent Running says:

    @ Craig and Frank

    Tend to agree – The ERA of the Trumpet has begin with typical authoritarian Gust and Bluster nothing this group does will surprise me – praying @ wagering on drastic over reach and the Rip Tide of National Blow back onto the laps of this Cabal of Losers that surround the trumpster. Dinosaurs on the Wrong side of History.

    Washington’s Swamps like the inflated stock market are Rising above Expectations. do the alligators remember how to swim???

    As for Marco – well you make a point that we should be thankful we are still in a country where civil expressions of resistance are not met with a Bayonet or firing squad….yet….clock may be ticking.
    As many protesters over 250 in Washington arrested in Wash. are now being charged with 10 year Felonies – most observers say the courts will throw it out. TBD ???? but opening shots across the Bows of Dissension .

    During my travels the past 8 days had much radio time and I listened with interest as two lawyers for the Native Americans both members of the Tribe and another Anglo lawyer explained the complexities of the N Dakota pipeline .

    They actually have hope that Trumpet’s call to re analyze the pipeline process and the rules etc. it may be determined that the pipeline will get built.

    How ever according to them , it will be re routed closer to Bismark ND. the original planned route. But white racism and antipathy towards the native Americans forced the co to re route thru the Indian lands.

    America’s long history of environmental racism continues so the pipeline was sent thru the native Lands.

    A full EIS study was never done and the list goes on . It is in the hands of US Army Corp of Engineers.

    So we shall see how they make a deal and the banks cant wait soon enough as many more still considering pulling out. so the energy co folks want faster process but EIS do take time. That is the hurdle.

    Over turning Obama’s late – and Marco I see some of your point here in your criticism of what he did LATE WAY LATE. On the radio the 2 native Americans and the Anglo lawyer for the tribes and the Water Protectors Said Similar – they called it a Swansong Feather gift! ( he should have addressed the pipeline much much earlier and even the Indians say that , Obama was too busy giving speeches to other countries about some lofty pearly worly concept- one looks back and sees No real change. Lots of rhetoric some good deeds but he left a vacuum and the Trumpster strategically exploited it. Well too.

    For such a smart guy he must have had too many inside the Washington Bubble Heads giving him bad counsel perhaps. Still like him I am just a harder critic. I see how all the dots connect and lead to the Trumperian take over of Washington because of the arrogance of the Elites and Bubble heads and blind followers swaying to the Empty Siren Song lyrics of HRC .

    But Marco I do take issue with your continued dismissal of the rights of the people to protest and calling the young lady a BRAT is just plain wrong.

    The protesters were Right and the law and the Locals were Wrong period end of story. The legal facts are in. The decision makers in ND are racists and all they care about is money.

    As for trumpster well he got many toxic chalices as Marco said months ago. But now he is real busy creating more and its only day 6 of his so called Presidency. He s working over time in creating more toxic chalices for the American people. Does not bode well for sure.

    All bets off and glad there is good fine Red wine to drink and savor all these things.

    Frank I am betting on the Resistance

    Oh now the Wall is back on today , US taxpayers pay now but trumpet says Mexico will pony up the $$ at right time. The Mission to Mexico still on but its TOXICITY .
    Ranchers land and property rights aside the so called states rightists and champions of personal freedom even at the cost of the Commons , these were the mantras that echoed into the night for years. WHERE DID THEY GO ???

    SADLY MARCO , the young lady medic who was helping people but got shot lost her leg. the other young lady up there was hurt badly and losing sight in one eye or a ear lost. serious damage done by brutal locals and their mean contractors Goons!

    these tragic events are not Obama’s fault but his way tardy actions helped create the stage for them to happen.

    so now trumpet drinks from this chalice !!!

    Now with trumpet All Bets off. ! Interesting times. !!!

  4. marcopolo says:


    I thought I had made it perfectly clear that I am not opposed to young people protesting or demonstrating. In fact I expressed my admiration for young people taking part in political and civic life.

    However, while many young demonstrators are sincere and genuine, there will always be a percentage of badly behaved, hysterical miscreants. These people do not see a demonstration as a serious cause, but simply an opportunity to torment and abuse others.

    In the case of Morton County, these miscreants attacked not only the forces of law enforcement, but Native American ranchers, towns folk etc. The miscreant’s destroyed rare, and irreplaceable fauna and flora sanctuaries, stole and butchered livestock etc.

    Your characterization of the “locals” of Morton County is grossly unfair. The local people, including the Sheriffs department, many of whom are Native Americans, had no racist agenda. Nor has that allegation been made by the local Native American community.

    The local people simply found themselves caught up in a much larger controversy and coped the best they could.

    My point is that Police are people too. In the execution of their duty, they often must put up with a great deal of abuse and torment by protestors with mixed agenda’s.

    For every 20 genuine, peaceful, protestors there is one with an agenda to create violence, seeking to injure, even kill, Police officers.

    By ignoring this reality, any community risks alienating law enforcement from the rest of the community, and creating a ‘them’ and ‘us’ mentality making law enforcement recruitment difficult and of poor quality, which only makes the problem worse.

    Oh, and before I forget, the latest analysis of the fragment that injured the woman protestor, has established beyond doubt the missile that caused the injury was from a home made explosive devise, made by her fellow demonstrators.

    The locals hired no “contractors” the contractors were in the employment of the pipeline company whose HQ is in another State.

    Apart from the Sheriff and local 22 deputies, no ” locals” (brutal or otherwise) took part in the conflict except as victims.

    The local Native Americans have expressed support and sympathy for Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, speaking out against radical elements seeking to vilify local law enforcement.

    In all such incidents, the voices of the local people get drowned out by the much louder voices of outsiders.

  5. Silent Running says:

    @ Marco

    Mate you just must have a long running love affair with those folks….in ND …that is your god given right enjoy it.

    I only Post what official Representatives for the Native Americans and their leadership present as the facts. So tell your local buddies to take it up with them.

    Its not worth the time bantering about

    Other forces will prevail in this complicated long running dis agreement and it is doubtful that any of us can have any meaningful impact on the final decisions. There are more players and the line is real Long too.
    Either way there will be blow back and more division.