Progressive Values Flourish at Unexpected Times

Progressive Values Flourish at Unexpected TimesCameron Atwood sent me 8 – 10 political memes he created, including the one below.  Of the entire group, the one that meant the most to me appears below.  Coincidentally another friend had made this precise point to me just yesterday: progressive values tend to expand under administrations that people of compassion find most repugnant, as there is a force to fight. 

This theory is most certainly supported by the events of the last couple of weeks here in the U.S., with people coming out of the woodwork to protest, literally all over the world.  Though a great deal of this concerns women’s rights, consider the scenes at all our major airports concerning the illegal ban on immigration, and the influx of people into South Dakota to stand in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux who are trying to block construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Now, if you are a devotee of German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel, you note that this is an example of the dialect, i.e., a thesis (neo-fascism) creates an antithesis (a huge progressive movement), which, after a struggle, produce a synthesis of some type.  What will that look like?  Too early to tell.

Perhaps not coincidentally, Hegel wrote: Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.






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One comment on “Progressive Values Flourish at Unexpected Times
  1. marcopolo says:


    Well, it was to be expected. The left is very, very good at demonstrating, protesting and preaching.

    Unfortunately, they’re lousy at actually running anything ! Lot’s of hyperbole and glorious rhetoric, don’t compensate for lousy administration, half baked economic theories, and ill-conceived policies lacking any practical purpose.

    The American left are once again happy. Freed from the responsibility of administration, like spoiled children, they will indulge in an orgy of protest because they failed.

    The left are often their own worst enemies. Eventually, Joe Public grows weary of alarmist warnings that never eventuate. He stops listening to the smug, patronizing pontificating of sanctimonious advocates and ‘experts’.

    Joe Public no longer listens to the rantings of people like Cameron who claim to represent the “will of the people” when in reality all they represent is a small group of deluded, impotent time-wasters.

    By all means exercise your right to protest. March to stop pipelines transporting oil in favor of helping Warren Buffett making even more billions transporting oil by rail, Have a ball !

    Imagine yourself activist hero’s. But remember, Joe Public smolders with resentment as the valuable,authentic part of the environmental message, becomes lost in the confusion of so much political activism.

    Remember the old saying, ” we have met the enemy, and he is us”.