From Guest Blogger Chloe Taylor: Ten Unusual Ways to Make Your Business More Sustainable and Eco-Friendly

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Painting our lifestyles green and making it more sustainable is just the thing we need to do if we care for our environment, and if we want to reduce our carbon footprint. Implementing eco-friendly changes in our daily lives is very commendable, but the undeniable truth is that we spend a good portion of our day at work.

Therefore, our workspace deserves the same amount of eco-friendliness. As a business owner, you can make a significant difference. If you have already introduced some green solutions in your work environment, but still want to do more, keep on reading.

Save water

Most green offices focus on saving energy because it is the most obvious source of waste. In that respect, LED lights and smart devices that control the use of electricity have already become a big part of sustainable offices. However, you can also contribute to water savings. By installing special faucet caps that minimize water flow, you will reduce water waste in your workspace.

Reusable bottles

Instead of using paper cups or having your employees buy bottled water on their way to work, hand out reusable water bottles to everyone in your office. You may also consider giving thermoses to your employees so that they can refill them easily.

Support local businesses

Encourage your employees to pack their own lunches before work. However, the fact is that not everyone will be able to do this on daily basis. Therefore, provide meals for your employees in office canteen, but make sure that you contact a local green business for this service.

Grow your own herbs

Adding plants in the office space is known to work wonders for employees’ productivity and happiness. So why not create your own herb garden as well? The work breaks will become a lot more meaningful and your employees can use the herbs for their own needs.

Go paperless

Since we live in a digital age it’s pretty easy to do everything on a computer. Thanks to sharing sites and storage apps, you can keep all your data safely stored on the cloud. If you really have to use paper occasionally, make sure to go with the recycled option.

Proper insulation

In order to prevent warm/cool air from escaping your office space, make sure to insulate it properly. Basically, you can seal your windows and use green rugs and sustainable door mats that are easy to clean. These will keep the space warmer or cooler, depending on the season.

Consider remote positions

In order to reduce the use of petrol, as well as lower your office’s carbon footprint consider outsourcing some of the positions. This is a very innovative approach when it comes to sustainable companies.

Question of commuting

Cars are one of the main causes of pollution. If you want your business to assist the environment, encourage your employees to carpool. Moreover, you can provide company bikes as well as monthly or annual passes for public transport to completely minimize the use of petrol.

Green cleaning agents

Even the most environmentally conscious entrepreneurs can forget about the negative impact cleaning products can have on our environment. Toxic ingredients can damage the environment as well as your employees’ health. Therefore, opt for natural, home-made cleaning agents that are equally effective yet much safer.

Motivate your employees

It’s essential that your employees feel the same when it comes to greener lifestyle, both at home and in the office. In that respect, don’t neglect team building activities that would inspire your workforce to do their own part in making their working environment as eco-friendly as possible.

Never underestimate your own power when it comes to the environment. Every little change can help. Also, don’t think about green lifestyle as something you must do. Rather, go green because you want to and try your best to motivate others to follow suit.

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