Living in the USA: We’re Human Beings First, Americans Second

ub2As you consider the meme here, realize that Americans generally have had the concept of UBUNTU programmed out of us by our consumer/capitalist society that is as fundamental to our being and as invisible a part of our lives as the air we breathe.

Yet there’s still a flame of UBUNTU flickering inside each of us, which can never be extinguished, as it’s literally a part of our DNA as human beings.

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One comment on “Living in the USA: We’re Human Beings First, Americans Second
  1. marcopolo says:


    You sell yourself and our civilization short. The idea of t he selfless ‘noble’ savage is a fantasy invented by over educated, privileged middle class Europeans, with too much time on their hands.

    It’s also an absurd and insulting miss-description of life in Africa. Xhosa and African people in general are not sort of happy unselfish hippies living in harmony !

    The African continent is, and always has been a place of horrific barbarity, disease, strive and appalling backward poverty.

    Your folksy little stories are an insult to the people of Africa.