From Guest Blogger Eileen O’Shanassy: Five Ways to Stay Green While Going to College

paragraph_5904_2College can be an amazing time in your life. You have a chance to meet interesting people, learn new ideas, and have complete freedom to live the life you want to live. For those of you who are environmentally conscious, it can also be a sneakily difficult time to live a green life.

Just think about all the waste that happens in college cafeterias and how many paper notebooks get thrown away at the end of each semester. Here are five ways to make sure you are doing your part to make the world a little greener while a college student.

1. Go easy on the paper

Purchase notebooks that use recycled paper or take notes electronically. If you eat in your dorm room or apartment, buy a set of dishes you can reuse hundreds of times rather than using paper plates and plastic utensils you throw away after one use. You can also find paper towels, napkins, and other paper products that are manufactured using recycled paper.

2. Limit what you print

Only print what is necessary, and when you do print something always use the double-sided feature. You can read articles and other assignments on your laptop, and ask your professors if you can hand in papers and assignments via email or by posting on the course website. If you can convince your professor to let you submit assignments electronically, they might transition to having the whole class hand in assignments the same way.

3. Skip on the car

When you go somewhere, take advantage of public transit when possible. Riding the bus or subway is a more fuel-efficient way of getting around town. If your destination is close by, walking or riding your bike are also great options that are good for the environment and will keep you healthy.

4. Take smart showers

Water is one of our most precious resources. One obvious way that you can cut down on your water usage is by taking shorter showers. Another way to reduce the amount of water that you use is to install a showerhead that decreases the flow.

5. Be smart about what you buy

Rather than buying everything new, try to find a used version of what you need on craigslist or at a local thrift store. You could even borrow what you need from a friend. Also, buy things in bulk to save on money and the amount of packaging that accompanies your purchase.


By making just a few small changes in your behavior you can live in a way that will help keep our environment healthy. Hopefully, these five suggestions will help you make your college experience a green one.

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