A Contributed Post: From a Sustainability Perspective, Here’s Why You Should Really Keep Using Your Old Computer Rather Than Replace It

20170422_130745Although computers are durable, you’re going to need a repair expert sooner or later. A lot of computer users even think that it is in their best interest to just be prepared to replace their entire computing systems every few years as new operating systems come out and become available. Then there’s the inevitable issue of hard drive failure and corruption, which can make your home computing system inoperable and wipe out all of your saved data.

Remember that computers are made up of lots of different parts, so having one element break down doesn’t mean that you need to replace the entire system. The green solution to computer replacement is utilizing computer system repairs, as well as having our home computers properly maintained.

Computer Servicing Options

You can have a computer technician drive out to your home to make all necessary repairs. First, some troubleshooting will be performed and if your computer can be booted up a diagnostic test will be run. The other option is to unplug your computer, pack it up, and then take it to a computer repair shop. It usually takes no more than a couple of days to repair or replace a fried hard drive, which might take longer than buying a new computer in person but is quicker than ordering a new unit online. With expedited computer repair services, you might be able to get your old computer back in the same day.

The Feasibility of Replacing Internal Computer Parts

Other people are constantly throwing out their old computers and even giving them to their friends and people because they believe that replacement is the only alternative. This means that computer repair technicians often have good quality computer parts that they can install on the computers of their clients, no matter how old their computing systems are. Of course, new computer parts like hard drives can be purchased for your computer repair needs. Think of computer repairs like car repair services – you can always source new car parts to complete a repair but it can be a lot more convenient to utilize the supplies that your mechanic has on hand.

Saving Time with Computer Repairs

New computers can be set up in under an hour if you know what you are doing, but they take longer to customize. You would have to set the screensaver, upload your existing files, and even change your internet accessibility settings so that you can easily load your most visited website. Another reason that computer repairs save consumers time is that the process of researching a new computer to purchase is a task that should be carefully approached. You want to know the specifications of all new computers available and look at reviews before you spend up to a thousand dollars on a replacement unit.

If you do have your computer repaired, you will end up with a useful backup when and if you ever do feel the need to purchase a newer system. Since computers can have serious issues at any time it is better to help preserve the environment and make use of your older model computers. Operating systems can be upgraded and even major computing issues such as hard drive restoration are no problem for an experienced computer repair technician.

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2 comments on “A Contributed Post: From a Sustainability Perspective, Here’s Why You Should Really Keep Using Your Old Computer Rather Than Replace It
  1. marcopolo says:


    Or you just be sensible and for a loss less time and money, buy a new more efficient computer thereby helping with the development and introduction of better technology ! 🙂

    Recently, I noticed our family refrigerator was looking a little tatty, so I bought a new refrigerator. The new refrigerator incorporates a lot of exciting new technology, a lot more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

    But if it makes you feel better, I had the old fridge reconditioned and installed in a Community Centre where it can work in conjunction with two commercial units.

    As an interesting experiment I relocated all three compressors and condensers to operate through a common heat exchange junction using the recycled energy to provide hot water and heating for the centre.

    Combined with solar panels and waster heat recovery from showers and kitchen hot water waste reduces the cost of the centre’s electricity usage by 70%.

    Since we also donate the use of the property and electricity, we’re pleased to observe this technology enables the Community Centre’s funds to be more usefully deployed.

    This year we hope to provide low cost electricity to 14 more homes due to the deployment of simple waste recovery technology. Since most of our tenants are either retired and living on restricted incomes, or young with growing children and tight budgets, reduced energy costs is very good news.

    The money spent on domestic waste heat recovery is very satisfying. What surprises me is why so little commercial use is made of this simple, easy to install and very economic technology.

    This technology should be compulsory in commercial premises with a high use of hot water, refrigeration/air-con etc. The technology is relatively cheap to install with a very short pay back times.

    The savings for a Dairy farm are really impressive.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Ah ha that explain a lot.

    However, I thought you might have been interested in a practical example of environmental benefits to be gained from waste heat savings.

    This technology has tremendous potential especially by increasing and prolonging the efficiency of commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning.