Was the Concept of Climate Change Formed to Weaken Our Economy and Control the World Population?

Koch-CatoHarrasser-in-Chief MarcoPolo writes:  (Here’s) a quote from a speech by Marian L. Tupy Editor of Human Progress:  “Since the fall of communism, global warming has been, without question, the most potent weapon in the hands of those who wish to control the behaviour of their fellow human beings. …. Environmentalism, like all –isms, can become totalitarian. It is for that reason that, when it comes to our environmental policies, we ought to tread very carefully.”

I know there are people who claim that climate change is a hoax, formulated to throttle the world (or the U.S.) economy. But does this conspiracy theory hold any water? Is there any evidence to support it? Donald Trump believes it, but he believes that 3-5 million people voted illegally in our last election and that he had the largest inauguration turnout in history. I’m not sure I’d use him as a model of truth.

Keep in mind that, in order to buy into the theory, you have to also believe that tens of thousands of university professors and other top scientists (some of whom I know personally) are liars and cheats.  That’s going to be a tough sell for most people (certainly for me).

And, in particular, why on Earth would I put credence in what the (Koch Brothers co-founded) CATO Institute’s Marian L. Tupy thinks about this? Btw, I absolutely love the way organization’s like CATO have front groups with innocuous (and deliberately deceptive) names like “Human Progress.”

Here are a few notes I took from my interview with CATO’s spokesperson, Jerry Taylor:

1) Jerry believes that our civilization is not duty-bound to take preventative measures against climate change because we don’t have adequate visibility into the future. This does not hold water with me. Yes, we could be saved by a great number of things, e.g., a new technology or some unforeseeable event in the cosmos. But society’s depending on the unknown to halt the destruction of our environment is not sane, responsible behavior.

2) Jerry argues that, since the greatest damage from climate change will happen many decades hence, our imperative to mitigate that damage itself comes decades hence. This is a similarly unsupportable position; it has no more validity than an oncologist who discovers a small tumor on my lung but does not advise me to stop smoking, since the greatest part of the damage has not yet materialized.

3) Jerry asserts that free-market capitalism represents a self-correcting mechanism that minimizes environmental damage because capitalism abhors waste. Again, this is specious. What capitalists abhor is wasting money, not CO2, small but lethal quantities of heavy metals, etc. The choice here isn’t between wasting harmful byproducts of fossil fuels or not wasting them; it’s between cleaning up the waste or not cleaning it up. We have adequate proof over the past two centuries that, when industrialists are unregulated, they most often choose not to clean up after themselves.

4) The legal remedies that Jerry suggests are rooted in Libertarianism, a worldview that, in my opinion, offers fair and just solutions, and makes a great deal of sense in certain circumstances. Here, however, it’s clearly inadequate. Litigating against polluters for “trespass,” as Jerry suggests, will create a legal morass that the polluters (and their lawyers) will love, while the rest of the world slowly chokes and dies.

5) While I have to admit that Jerry’s ideas about the <em>ad hominen</em> logical fallacy are interesting, it’s tough to maintain that people of low moral quality make good scientists, or should be trusted to characterize the findings of science fairly and honestly. This doesn’t even need to be confirmed with empirical evidence; it’s true by definition: liars don’t tell the truth. Unfortunately, this clarity of understanding eluded me in the moment of the interview.


Sorry, my friend; you’re going to have to sell this somewhere else.

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3 comments on “Was the Concept of Climate Change Formed to Weaken Our Economy and Control the World Population?
  1. marcopolo says:


    You seem to have once again become locked into “crusade” mode !

    Marian Tupy is neither an ideologue nor a rightist commentator. He’s a highly qualified academic with a reputation for moderation and integrity.

    Tupy’s a regular contributor to such publications as Financial Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Economist, U.S. News and World Report, The Atlantic, Newsweek, The U.K. Spectator, Weekly Standard, Foreign Policy, Reason magazine, and various other outlets both in the United States and overseas.

    Tupy also arrears as an invited guest on scores of highly regarded panel discussions and asked for expert comment on media as diversified as The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, CNN International, BBC World, CNBC, MSNBC,ABC, Al Jazeera, and many other media outlets.

    But none of this detract from the importance of his message, which is a simple plea for more open-mindedness, more tolerance in public debate and more inclusion.

    Would really matter if the admonition came from Kim Il Jung ? Surely the message itself would still have significance and veracity ?

    Over the years I have witness many advocates I admired fall into the trap of adopting tunnel vision and become more arrogantly dismissive and fanatical.

    I find this a very sad phenomenon, and observe it’s usually the result of the advocate withdrawing into a much narrower world where everyone who doesn’t agree with an increasingly narrow and fanatical dogma is reviled and excluded.

    It’s especially sad because the advocate increasingly wages war against imaginary or fringe enemies, while immersing themselves in deeper in only those sources of information that agree with their agenda/dogma.

    It’s a real tragedy since the world loses another once effective advocate for positive progress.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Without wishing to be too “harassing”, I’d like to draw your attention to your reply to my comment on waste heat recovery technology and the environmental that can be accrued. ( I even included a practical example of how such technology can be integrated to increase the efficiency of exiting renewable energy technology.

    Your response was terse, and where once you would have been eager to discuss and explore the benefits of such technology, today your reply was basically disinterested.

    I would suggest that since the election of the new President your focus has shifted to fighting a political activist crusade, against perceived enemies, instead of pursuing the advancement of more humble, but ultimately more environmentally beneficial clean(er) technology.

    I notice (possibly partly due to the absence of alerts) the number of comments have decreased, so possibly I’m not alone in noticing you seem to have grown weary of encouraging constructive discussion and debate.

    If so that’s sad ! The world certainly doesn’t need more political activists, but it does need more clean tech advocates !

    That’s area where you once stood out, and your enthusiasm, perception and good judgement is sorely missed.

    Perhaps I’m wrong but I take the long view. Politicians come and go, their policies rise and fall, but technology keeps on advancing and improving everyone’s lives.

  3. Garcia says:

    Climate change is the true thing. There are many bad weather appearing, such as heavy rain, haze, etc. I think, when we develop the economy, we should pay attention to the eco-friendly.