From Guest Blogger Lillian Connors: Going Organic with Your Coffee Selection

organic-sealsWe can all agree: there’s no better way to start off your day than by sipping a fresh cup of coffee and letting its smell and flavour wake you up and prepare you for the day. While for some smell of coffee is one of the best smells in the world, others can’t imagine starting a day without it and that makes coffee one of the most popular beverages worldwide.

However, every day you can see a “new study” claiming coffee is either very healthy or extremely unhealthy but the truth is – coffee can have multiple health benefits but not every coffee is the same. Going organic with your coffee selection might sound pretentious but there are plenty of good reasons to take this path.

Avoiding toxic chemicals

You’ve probably already heard that coffee is among the most heavily sprayed crops when it comes to pesticides meaning that pesticide residues can get into your body through your morning cup of joe. It’s not just about pesticides – coffee crops are being washed in various chemicals, solvents, etc. This is can have serious consequences for your health, not to mention the damage it can bring to the environment. Namely, these harmful chemicals are not only bad for your health, but also for the land where the coffee is grown, so opting for organic coffee is only a responsible thing to do.

Getting a better taste

This might sound like a placebo effect but organic coffee really does taste better. It’s because of the way it’s grown – you can actually taste the true flavours of the place from which the beans originate. Not all coffee is the same because there are plenty of different kinds, each with its unique taste. So, if you do a little research, you can see that some types have more of a crème or vanilla flavour so you can find the perfect type for you. Besides, coffee experts claim organic coffee has a purer and deeper taste and it makes perfect sense – organic coffee is “purer” than standard ones.

Improving your health

It’s simple – no pesticides and other chemicals mean healthier coffee. The coffee itself is healthy and nutritious and it’s connected to lower risk of getting various diseases. Coffee beans are full of magnesium, B vitamins, copper, zinc, and many other minerals but it doesn’t mean much if it’s not grown in good soil. Organic soil helps these nutrients stay in a coffee bean so you can get the most out of your daily cup of coffee. Besides, coffee speeds up the metabolism and boost digestion, not to mention the energy and freshness it can bring into your every day.

Doing good for the others

Because of its popularity, the demand for coffee production is enormous. It also demands intense labour and often unhealthy working conditions for the farmers and that’s why it isn’t enough to simply go for a brand that has an organic label on it. Look for fair trade coffee beans if you want to ensure that the farmer that has produced your coffee will actually get the money you spend on your coffee. Fair trade also means fair wages, as well as proper living and working conditions for the workers. So, if you believe in karma and doing good to get good – purchasing organic, fair trade coffee is the way to go.

Now you know why organic coffee is so much more than a trend – it’s a way to enjoy your cup(s) of joe even more and get the most out of it. It’s good for the economy, for the environment, and, most importantly, for your health, so what other reason do you need to make a switch to organic coffee?

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